On the Porch of the house

On the Porch of the house

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

SM Labs

  Continued from A New Partner

The Evo Machine whirred as Dr. Charles typed on a keyboard next to it.

"Now, Ali, I'll just simply create a new type of sporemon, Evol type! To create the sporemon, what should the models be, my dear?"

And then, Ali had a thought. "Why don't you model them after transitional forms, Grandpa?"

"There we go! Alright. Four types, Lava, Wind, Water, and Earth!"

A flash of bright light appeared then four sporemon came from the machine. One was red, had feathers, and a beak, but had teeth and big hypnotic eyes. Another was light brown and looked like a small Bigfoot. Another was blue and had fish-like features, but had legs. The last one looked like a gigantic dragonfly.

"These sporemon are half Evol type, half the other types. I've also got a scientist convention, a month from now on the 6th of October. The DNA in these sporemon is programed when I get to give a speech, to evolve into a new sporemon. Then everyone will see how absurd Dr. Mills is. With the new sporemon, we will leak into the Earthling's world and put a stop to these ideas of Creation!"

Ali had to admit the idea was genius, but she wasn't sure she wanted to take away the viewpoint of a few million people on another world.

But then again, why did she think that in the first place? Didn't the people who believe in Christ want to see the "truth"?

What better way to do it than this?

TO BE CONTINUED...        

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