On the Porch of the house

On the Porch of the house

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Deal or No Deal?

continued from:A New Battle 

Ali flinched as Josh slammed the front door behind him.

"Shhhhh! This is between us siblings, can you please keep it down?"

Ali almost rolled her eyes. No, don't, she thought. That was the old Ali, not the new one. She'd never win them to Christ that way. 

Joe shrugged, "Sorry." 

Ali went a little ahead of her brothers and sister and stood ready. Her siblings did the same.

"The deal is: if you three can beat me, I'll gladly go home with you." The other three children burst out laughing.

"All... three of us... at once," Alaina gasped in between breaths.  "No one can beat us three to one, Ali. We have to believe in ourselves, so you can come back." 

Ali shook her head. "It's not just about teamwork, or yourself. I've gotten stronger through Jesus, and He is my power. He is one I believe in. I've seen with my own eyes what He can do."

"Amafist, Super Punch!" Josh called. The big purple sporemon punched the ground sending a big crack though the ground toward Catterwaller. Catterwaller leaped nimbly over it, and silhouetted against the moonlight, came down toward Amifist. Amifist raised it's hands to block, and claws scratched harmlessly.

"Amifist's hands are made of solid Amethyst. You can't hurt him!" Josh said. Suddenly a huge fireball whipped through the air, striking Catterwaller. Magmine and T-Dex stood side-by-side.  "Double Blaster!" Alaina and Joe cried. The two sporemon unleashed a two fireballs, that met and became a new super-huge fireball.

"Ali!" Sara, Sam, and Kay ran over. They knew better then to get in the thick of things. They each held hands and bowed their heads.

With friends praying for me, Ali thought, and Jesus' strength, I won't lose!

Catterwaller dodged the fireball. Both Ali and Catterwaller were tiring out. They breathed hard.

"They're getting tired! Strike for our sister, we want her back!" Josh cried.

Amifist, Magmine, and T-Dex all dove at catterwaller at once.

"Lighting shield!!! Lord, show them your light!" Ali yelled.

A yellow shield incased Catterwaller protecting it from the attack.

"Look!" Alaina pointed.

Ali had a glow around her, pure and white. There was some thing in her eyes. The attack faded and the three sporemon lay, defeated. Then someone stepped from behind Ali. He was dressed in white. The three seemed to realize something, and bowed to the figure.

"Welcome home." He said, smiling.

Then they began to change. Josh's skull on his shirt changed to a cross, Joe's mohawk flattened, and Alaina's shirt covered her waist.

Sam smiled. "Hands in,everyone!" they put their hands in a circle, one on top of another. The new team had formed!

A gnarled fist banged the control panel. "No! They've betrayed me! I guess the last sporemon is MY responsibility!"

To be continued.....   

Monday, September 10, 2012

A New Battle?

Continued from Spaghetti  

"Ali?" "Ali!"

Ali knew that voice, but couldn't place it.

"Grow away" she grumbled sleepily.

Alaina  touched Ali's lamp on her bedside table, or at least what worked like a lamp on Thrae.

Ali sat up. "What's a matter?" she asked, rubbing her eyes.

She looked at the dim room. Ali, Josh and Joe were standing by her bedside.

"We've come to take you home, Ali." Josh said.

Thoughts of her broken home, and her father she never even knew swirled in her head.


In an instant she realized that they had been pretending! They weren't interested  in Christ, they had come to take her back to her grandfather's!

"I have a deal to make, guys." Ali said, going over and petting Caterwaller, to get him to wake up.


"You're a great friend, Sara."

That thought kept hounding Sara Mills, as she lay staring at her ceiling. She knew she couldn't sleep. Not even reading Tears of a Dragon by Brian Davis on her new Kindle (or what they had like a kindle on Threa.) wouldn't help.

The front door slamming interrupted her thoughts. She went over to the window. Ali and Caterwaller stood battle-ready. As were Josh, Joe, Alaina and their sporemon. Something was going on. She had to tell her parents!

To be continued


Tuesday, September 4, 2012


Yesterday was my Birthday. I turned 15, and I am proud of it! I got a new video camera, the third book in the Dragons in our Midst series, (Highly recommended! They are AWESOME! author: Brian Davis) a dinosaur enyclopedia, a manga (Japanese art style) book. A Bey, Forbidden Ionis, a beywheel, Stinger Toxic Scorpio, a Beywheelz staduim, clothes, a watch, and lots of love. I'm glad I have a great family and friends. The birthday cards were great, guys(if you're reading this)!

We hung around the house until around 5:00, when we went to Bonzai!, a Japense steak house. Everything was great. They even cook your food right in front of you! The only draw-back was it was loud. Afterwards, a swim in Nana's pool. It was a great birthday all in all. 

God bless your week!
Creator's son