On the Porch of the house

On the Porch of the house

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

More of the Story

Continued from: "A Taste of the Story" 

 Sam looked around. He saw he was standing in a grassy field with a big house and something else he didn't recognize off in the distance.

"Apatabront, Tree Stomp!" Sam looked in the direction of the voice. A girl, about 14, called to a small green creature. She was blonde, dressed in jeans, a light green long-sleeve shirt, a brown vest, and a ski cap rimmed in pick with a cross on it.  The creature looked like a green Apatasaurus with two small trees sticking out of it's head. Sam saw another creature, yellow in color, fly off into a forest beyond, hit by the tallest tree. A flash of orange caught his eye but couldn't quite see what it was.

A tap on his back turned him around to face Kay.

"Kay, I was so worried about you! Don't do that again! Besides we need to find out what this place is," Sam paused and saw more of the strange creatures. One looked like a fat, orange caterpiller, and the other, a crow with a mane of feathers around it's head.  "Or if this even is Earth." Sam added. At the word "Earth" the girl turned to them and asked "You're from Earth? If that's so, do know of Him, God the Creator?" Kay nodded slowly.


"Then you are the help we need."


Monday, November 28, 2011

How to Play

I said something in my last post about Card-jitsu, but do you know how to play? On Club Penguin you start off with your deck, and five-card hand.

Then select the card you want to play, and set it face down. At the same time your opponent will do this. Flip the two cards over. Now it's Rock- paper-scissors. Water type cards beat fire, Fire type beats ice, and ice type beats water.

If the cards are the same element, however, you compare numbers which is higher. If you get 3 of the same element but different colors on the card, you win, or one of each element in a different color.

Card-jitsu Fire, Water and Ice (not yet playable) are variations of this game. In Fire, you spin 6 rocks like a spinner to a board-game to choose elements. In water, you race to be the first one to touch a gong along rocks that have elements on them.  This is a fun game. Thanks for letting me tell you this and for reading these posts. God bless you!      

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Fire Ninja at Last!

Yesterday night, I became a fire ninja. On a computer game called "Club Penguin", you create a penguin avatar, and one of the games you play is called Card-Jitsu. It's a rock-paper-scissors based game with three distict Elements: Water, Fire and Ice.

For 11 days they're doing a card-jitsu party. Half fire, half water. I've been working on becoming a fire ninja for a while now, but yesterday I achieved my goal. My sister is both fire and water ninja, but ice hasn't come out yet.

One of the coolest things about it is you can change the weather by teaming up and hitting "d" on your keyboard. That makes you control fire (or water) and makes it shower meteors (or make it rain). Is that cool or what?    

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

A Taste of the Story

"Thank you, Mr. O'Bon for inviting me to go with you and Sam to Church of the Mountains this morning!" Kay said in her cheerful voice.

"You're welcome, Kay. It's not every day Sam gets to have friends over there. Ah, here we are!" Mr. O'Bon parked the car in the gravel parking lot and went to the door of the church.

"Hey, Dad, can we play for a bit?" Sam asked.

"I don't see why not!" his Dad replied. Sam and Kay played one-on-one basket-ball, until Kay ended the friendly game with a basket.Just then they heard a whoosh type sound.

"Good job, Kay, you won! What was that?" Sam said.

Always adventureous, Kay replied "Lets go see!" and dashed off into the bushes.

"There she goes again!" Sam thought.

Sam and Kay first met and became friends at a park, and had stayed friends all along. Sam raced after her until he saw a blinding blue light. It wasn't just a light, but a portal, and Kay had gone inside!

Sam wasn't so sure he wanted to go in there, but he felt encouraged to go, like something was pushing towards it. He asked God to protect him and Kay and jumped though.


Monday, November 21, 2011

Love Your Enemies, Even in Your Imagination

Last Sunday, Dennis Welch came to our church and spoke about how God can change even the most unchangeable people on the face of the Earth into instruments of His glory.

One such example is the apostle Paul (Or Saul). He killed Christians by thousands and then, he became one of the greatest preachers of his time.

I thought back to a "Series" of "episodes" we play outside about two kids who go through a portal and have to save Earth, and Thrae, the planet they land on, with Jesus' and their small but powerful pets help. One villain in our series has a Benedict Arnold moment and changes sides because the kids save her even though she is their enemy. Later she asks Jesus into her life, and in the end, she helps save both worlds.

I thought "Wow! That's the thing our series is ultimately about!"  It was SO cool! To think that something we made up has to do with one of the hardest things to do: love your enemies.  

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

A VERY Fancy Dinner

 Yesterday was the end of a Homeschooler event known as "Co-op", which we have in a church building, and many a homeschooler goes there to have classes such as: Constituion, Boy's Basket-Ball, and Manners. My Manners teacher, told us at the end of the day, that we would have a final exam, but if you know homeschoolers, this exam was not multiple choice. It was dinner.

My Mom got a last-minute invite to be a waiter and went with me. I was so relieved Mom was there!

My friends and I "hung out" as most Public Schoolers would say, in the Hostess' living room, and laughed over someone's i-phone, because we could talk into it and it would give us answers. I got to show everyone my new "invisible i-phone" and dinner started. It sure was tasty!

Our first course was soup, bread, and salad. Then we got to the main course. It was spaghetti and vegetarian "meat" balls, mashed potatoes, and broccoli. Dessert was a brownie topped with ice-cream, whipped cream, and a cherry.  I bet your hungry from reading this, aren't you?

We showed off our manners, kind of, and had a good time. One rule for manners is you have to stand up when a lady leaves the table. A mom friend of mine got up and introduced herself to a newer friend, and we all stood up. Then another friend got an idea, and every time a male friend got up to leave the table, we would all stand!

Also I got a brilliant idea,Why not toast the hostess for a great meal? We toasted then after a few minutes we got up and dinner was over.

I think that class helped me to be more aware of how to do and what, manners are.
Thank you for the lovely evening, Mrs. K! 

Monday, November 14, 2011

A Lesson on Teachings

Long, long ago, in a galaxy far, far away......

Teenagers cared about their families, siblings, and knew Jesus was Lord and Savior. Now they seem to be "too cool" to care about those things, instead they care about: boys/girls, their clothes, peers, and what will their parents torture them with today. What happened to our society?

Well, we all know Proverbs 22:6 "Teach a youth about the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it." (Holman Standard Bible) This passage means, if you let the world teach your child, your child will be corrupt, and selfish, but if YOU take the precious time to train him or her, they will be able to show love to their kids and grandkids. What an awesome world it would be, if there were more teens that knew Love, over Evil!             

Sunday, November 13, 2011

A New Blog

I am a homeschooler who likes creation science, Dinosaurs, Ben10 (TV show), My Family, and most of all: Jesus. Which is sadly, weird for a teenager these days. I won't reveal my age, but most of my interests.  On this blog you find what crazy thing I or any of my family members will be doing, little stories from my daily life, Things I think are worth sharing.