On the Porch of the house

On the Porch of the house

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The Round Continues

Continued from: A Surprising Twist

As Alaina ordered her Magmine to jump into the river-like arena, she thought Ali would be impressed for sure if she beat Kay!

Alaina had always looked up to her older sister Ali. She loved the way Ali carried herself, independent and strong. Ali had taught Alaina all about evolution, and helped her choose her Sporemon at the adoption center. But no matter what, Alaina never seemed to impress Ali. She wanted to hear "Good Job" from her. Even though Grandpa said it occasionally, she still felt empty. Now she had her chance to shine.

Lightning jumped from rock to rock, carefully avoiding the river. Kay didn't want to shock everyone in the stands with a wet Kittah's electrical move.

"Magmine, Lava Blaster!" Alaina said pointing at Lightning.

Sam gasped.

"How could Magmine use Lugmon's move?!" Sara explained.

"Lugmon is a Fire type and Magmine is a Fire type. Different Sporemon can use the same moves as other Sporemon if they are the same type. The choice of the move is up to the trainer. Or if they are wild, with no owner, they learn them naturally. They are truly amazing creatures God created."

"Yeah. They really are." Sam said, watching the match.

Lightning dodged Lava Blaster after Lava Blaster, and Kay knew Lightning was tiring. She had to finish this round soon. Kay waited until Magmine was parallel with Lightning and called "Lightning, Battery Recharge!!!!" Lightning jumped in the air, curled her little self into a black and yellow ball and hurled lightning strikes at Magmine. Magmine dodged them well, but both Kay and Alaina knew he was tiring.

Alaina decided to try a new move. "Flame Broil!" she called.

Magmine leaped high into the air and spun. As he spun little balls of fire landed into the water.

That's a dumb move, Kay thought, Why is she shooting fire into the water, wouldn't that just put the fire out?

The water began to bubble, and Lightning was hopping around on two feet. "Oh no!" Kay realized the water was boiling and the heat was seeping into the rocks making them super hot! Lightning meowed over and over, trying to overcome the heat.

Magmine was unfazed by the heat.

"Lord, Please!" Kay pleaded.

Magmine blasted one more Lava Blaster at Lightning and the round was over.

Kay had lost.

Alaina grinned wide, and looked at a television camera shooting the whole event.

"Hi Ali, Josh, Joe, and Grandpa!" Alaina waved to the camera, and walked back to the locker room to cool off.

To Be Continued.....




Thursday, April 19, 2012

A Surprising Twist

Continued from: The Second Round.

Kay faced Alaina across the big, regular metal plate in the center of the field.

Alaina was about 8, and dressed EXACTLY like Ali was. Orange T-shirt that didn't quite fit over her stomach, pink sideways belt, Short brown hair with a blue clip, and faded jeans.

Alaina had never seen Kay before. A cheerful, yellow t-shirt, with dark blue jeans, and nice pull-on shoes. Kay lacked frill, but her cheerful smile made up for it. Her jet-black hair was pulled into a pony-tail.


The crowd roared with excitement and the slab of metal disappeared, leaving a black hole in the middle of the stadium. In a second it came up again this time it was a pool-like battlefield, with rocks sticking up out of the water, to emulate a river.

"We have to battle here?" Kay asked, looking down at Lightning. She rubbed on Kay's leg and looked up at Kay with her adorable, black eyes. "You ready, Princess of the Universe?" Kay asked jokingly at Lightning.

The referee blew his whistle.


Kay and Alaina nodded.


The crowd yelled with excitement once more.

And in the depths of the muddy river, an Evol type went crazy, snapping at anything that moved, trying to escape the noise of the unsuspecting crowds.

TO BE CONTINUED.......       

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Second Round Begins

Continued from: The First round

Alaina Charles giggled as Magmine jumped up and ate the Sporemon treat she was holding. Then, Josh, her older brother came in with a weird looking Sporemon. It was big and purple, its huge hands from the wrists down were purple amethyst, and had two purple diamonds in its shoulders. The strangest thing about it was that it had no head. Its face was on its body. It was an Amifist, her brother's main sporemon.

"All most ready?" Josh asked.

"Yep! Magmine and I are ready to go!" Alaina pumped her little fist in the air and reached down to pet Magmine.

"You sure do love your Sporemon," said Josh.

Alaina looked surprised by the comment.

"It's our job, Josh. If we don't bond with the Sporemon we have, they won't obey us at all in battle." Alaina turned up her nose and walked out of the locker room with a swagger.

"See if I care..." Josh said under his breath.

Kay Nicole stood on the bank of the river, running her hand though the clear, cold water. Why would the youngest Charles be entered in the tournament? Wasn't she too young to go and catch the Four, the evil Sporemon? Her thoughts were interrupted by a hand on her shoulder.

"Two minutes" Sam said.

Kay started up to the arena. She had a battle to win.      

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Father, Forgive Them

We thought our satellite  company was getting too expensive, so we got rid of it.So I was watching Beyblade on Youtube on my computer last night. And saw a comment that went something like this:

"In my Hometown, we had a gang of Beybladers that would defeat you and take your beyblade. My brother beat them all, though."

 It was interesting that people can be bullies with a fun game. It was sad too, of course. Also, yesterday, Firefly was called names and teased by people at the park.

Bullies are not fun, and they are out there. The most important thing to do with bullies is to do what the Bible says to do. Don't take revenge, turn the other cheek, and ask God to forgive them. Even Jesus said "Father, forgive for they know not what they're doing". But the most important thing about this besides forgiving them, is that you don't imitate them. If you're mad when they bully you, and you bully someone else, you're no better than they are.

So the next time someone calls you names, or teases you, ask God to forgive them, instead of getting frustrated.  

Monday, April 2, 2012

The First Round

continued from The Tournament Begins 

The Crowd cheered from the bleachers as the sporemon tournament started its first round. Unfortunately and unknown to any, a very sleepy Evol type was awakened by the noise. It's fish-like eye opened, and it began to swim towards land.

Sara stood behind the edge of a long rectangular metal plate in the middle of the field, her opponent standing on the other side. A small golden-brown lion cub with mane-like hair on its shoulders and a long tail stood beside him.

Sara popped open her monipedia, and looked up Felion. "It's very loyal to its trainer's cause, no matter what. It can whip its tail out and ensnare oncoming sporemon with its Bolas move," she read. Sara remembered seeing  Bolas somewhere. It was a small weapon, with two balls on the end, and a rope in the middle. It caught animals' feet, making it hard to move. Sara knew she had to be careful.

"Combatants ready?" asked the referee. Sara and the other boy nodded. "Battle!" The referee blew his whistle and the first round began. 

"Apatabront, charge!" Sara said pointing at Felion.

The boy smirked and called out "Felion, use your Bolas!" The Felion roared, actually it mewed ferociously, and swung it's tail out at Apatabront. Apatobront leaped over the long tail and, with gravity's help, the tail swooped back and wrapped around its own feet, causing it to topple over.

"Darn!" the boy said.

Sara smiled. "With Jesus' help, my friends and I can do anything!"

The boy slapped his palm to his forehead (professionally known as a "face-palm".) "Oh, brother, not that fairy tale again. Didn't you hear the sporemon evolve?!" the boy asked.

Sara wasn't backing down. "Some get weaker or stay at the same power level. Therefore, they don't evolve." Sara said simply, and kindly.

"Apatabront, Tree Stomp!" Sara commanded and just like that, the first round of the tournament was over.

"NEXT ROUND, KAY NICHOL VS. ALEANA CHARLES! " the loud speaker boomed.

Sara gasped. "A Charles kid is entered in this tournament?!"
To be continued.....