On the Porch of the house

On the Porch of the house

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Second Round Begins

Continued from: The First round

Alaina Charles giggled as Magmine jumped up and ate the Sporemon treat she was holding. Then, Josh, her older brother came in with a weird looking Sporemon. It was big and purple, its huge hands from the wrists down were purple amethyst, and had two purple diamonds in its shoulders. The strangest thing about it was that it had no head. Its face was on its body. It was an Amifist, her brother's main sporemon.

"All most ready?" Josh asked.

"Yep! Magmine and I are ready to go!" Alaina pumped her little fist in the air and reached down to pet Magmine.

"You sure do love your Sporemon," said Josh.

Alaina looked surprised by the comment.

"It's our job, Josh. If we don't bond with the Sporemon we have, they won't obey us at all in battle." Alaina turned up her nose and walked out of the locker room with a swagger.

"See if I care..." Josh said under his breath.

Kay Nicole stood on the bank of the river, running her hand though the clear, cold water. Why would the youngest Charles be entered in the tournament? Wasn't she too young to go and catch the Four, the evil Sporemon? Her thoughts were interrupted by a hand on her shoulder.

"Two minutes" Sam said.

Kay started up to the arena. She had a battle to win.      

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