On the Porch of the house

On the Porch of the house

Monday, April 2, 2012

The First Round

continued from The Tournament Begins 

The Crowd cheered from the bleachers as the sporemon tournament started its first round. Unfortunately and unknown to any, a very sleepy Evol type was awakened by the noise. It's fish-like eye opened, and it began to swim towards land.

Sara stood behind the edge of a long rectangular metal plate in the middle of the field, her opponent standing on the other side. A small golden-brown lion cub with mane-like hair on its shoulders and a long tail stood beside him.

Sara popped open her monipedia, and looked up Felion. "It's very loyal to its trainer's cause, no matter what. It can whip its tail out and ensnare oncoming sporemon with its Bolas move," she read. Sara remembered seeing  Bolas somewhere. It was a small weapon, with two balls on the end, and a rope in the middle. It caught animals' feet, making it hard to move. Sara knew she had to be careful.

"Combatants ready?" asked the referee. Sara and the other boy nodded. "Battle!" The referee blew his whistle and the first round began. 

"Apatabront, charge!" Sara said pointing at Felion.

The boy smirked and called out "Felion, use your Bolas!" The Felion roared, actually it mewed ferociously, and swung it's tail out at Apatabront. Apatobront leaped over the long tail and, with gravity's help, the tail swooped back and wrapped around its own feet, causing it to topple over.

"Darn!" the boy said.

Sara smiled. "With Jesus' help, my friends and I can do anything!"

The boy slapped his palm to his forehead (professionally known as a "face-palm".) "Oh, brother, not that fairy tale again. Didn't you hear the sporemon evolve?!" the boy asked.

Sara wasn't backing down. "Some get weaker or stay at the same power level. Therefore, they don't evolve." Sara said simply, and kindly.

"Apatabront, Tree Stomp!" Sara commanded and just like that, the first round of the tournament was over.

"NEXT ROUND, KAY NICHOL VS. ALEANA CHARLES! " the loud speaker boomed.

Sara gasped. "A Charles kid is entered in this tournament?!"
To be continued.....           

1 comment:

  1. Hey, I really enjoy reading your blog but I have one small problem; the white dots in background makes it hard to read the white text.
    It would make it easier to read if you changed the color of the text to, say, red, green, or yellow. Another idea is to change your background altogether. Keep postin'! Mustang
