On the Porch of the house

On the Porch of the house

Thursday, October 11, 2012


continued from Deal or No Deal?

"And in the name of-" Ali Charles was submerged into river water, muffling the words. She came up again, aided by Mr. Mill's strong arm. Sam, Kay, Sara and her brothers and sister, applauded. Ali beamed. She out of the water, dripping and laughing.

"It's really cool they all wanted to be baptized," Kay said " I guess they really have changed."  Kay went down the river bank to congratulate the four siblings. Sam was about to join her when Sara grabbed his arm.

"Um, Sam can I talk to you for a moment?"

"Sure, Sara."

"What you said on the night we had spaghetti, that I was a great friend, what did you mean by that?"

Sam thought for a moment and answered "You're one of my best friends, because you're like a sister," Sam looked at Josh, giving Ali a hug. "My definition of a great friend is someone who is always beside you, helping you through life. A friend is a comrade." Sara smiled. "Plus, sense you're around my age, you can kind of tell me how girls around my age think about boys like me." Sam added.

Sara laughed. " It's a good thing I can tell when you're kidding!"

Suddenly a roar rang out.

"It's coming from the mountains," Mr. Mills said, looking to at a mountain. "But what are those two brown things?"

Josh knew a once. "The first one is the fourth Sporemon, but the second one...."

Alaina finished for him "Grandpa!"      

To be Continued.....

Monday, October 8, 2012

Up a Creek (But with a big paddle!)

 Okay, here's the deal. You're waiting for someone to show up, and you know it's a girl (or in your case, if you're a girl, a boy) but you don't know who. You've been waiting for years. You know it's going to happen, but how? In a thunderclap? With Angels descending? Something subtle?  Or have you missed her (or him) and that person's right under your nose, and God is going to bonk you over the head until you see her? (or him)

Congratulations! You just ran through a third of a teenage boy's mind! It's something you remember, if you're as old as Mom (or dirt!) Or it's something you will go through, or are going through. It feels like you're up a creek without a paddle.

But wait.... I have a big ol' paddle I can pull out at any time! Know what His name is? JESUS! I know He guides everything around me, so why get down in the dumps over something I can't control?  I have a family who loves me and friends who will lend their support. I mean, yes, a certain girl might like me, But what if she's someone else's? Well, we can still be friends. If you're friends, it will save us heart-ache later, and I can be happy for her when she marries or vise versa. 

 God will show me my path. The sky looks gray and cloudy today, but He can make the Sun come out again! So what if I don't know who she is? I mean I'd like to know now, but His timing is perfect. If I don't see her  for another year, it's His timing. I just hope He'll nudge me, if she's right under my nose, instead of  clubbing me over the head. It's not lonely, but it sure isn't easy. But in the meantime, when I'm up a creek, I'll just call on my big  ol' paddle and He'll lead the way.