On the Porch of the house

On the Porch of the house

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Next Gen- Sporemon Left Behind?

Continued from Hello There!

A whinny sounded from behind the wrecked center.

"That sounds like a horse!" Alissa said, and ran around to the back of the building. "Oh, Wow!" She cried, making the others run to where she was.

Four sporemon were standing behind the center. One was a small, blue horse creature, with a frothy mane and tail, like the surf of the ocean. Another looked like a Golden Retriever, but with an extra tuft of fur on it's neck. A third, a yellow monkey with a ring of fur around it's face, and a long, prehensile tail. The final creature was a cat, light green with a dark green, almost black stripe down it's back.

Everyone was in shock. Even Veronica's uncaring mask melted into a look of wonder, and she unfolded her arms. Ali knelt down and petted the cat, which purred and rubbed up against her, getting leaves and vines all over her clothes.

"These sporemon were left behind by the Liberation Troop, because they were feisty little buggers. Aren't you, tough guy?" Ali crooned, making the cat purr louder.

"It's a miracle," Veronica finally said. The other children nodded their heads.

Suddenly the cat stopped purring, leaped away from Ali and up next to Cody. The Retriever-like animal bounded toward Marilee and gave her several licks on the face. The horse galloped up to Alissa, and nuzzled her cheek. The monkey jumped onto Andrew's shoulders and mussed up his hair, making it stand on end with static electricity.

"You mentioned something called the 'Liberation Troop', Mrs. Newman, who are they?" Andrew asked.

"A man by the name of Derek DeCeeve was one of the leading sporemon researchers on this world, and he concluded, wrongly, that man and sporemon never lived and worked together, and that they should be kept separate. He is deceiving young teens, around your age, to form a 'Liberatrion Troop' a troop of young people to ransack Adoption centers or anything else having to do with sporemon and human interaction. However, their reasoning is wrong. They team up with sporemon and use them to attack Adoption Centers and such."

"Whoa..." Cody breathed. "So, if they keep on deceiving kids our age, the future of Threa is at risk, and maybe even Earth?"


To everyone's surprise, Veronica jumped in, "What if we made our own team, and fought back against the Troop?" she asked.

Ali smiled. The anger in her daughter had finally faded. Ali caressed Veronica's hair and said "That's my girl."

To be continued.           

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