On the Porch of the house

On the Porch of the house

Monday, March 25, 2013

Next Gen- Trust, and Betrayal

continued from Teamwork 

Andrew looked out at the stars. It was comforting to know the Thraen night sky was filled with the same stars and constellations as back home. His head bobbed in time with the music from his Ipod. He was trying to understand what  God was doing.

"Have something on your mind?" Her voice made him jump. He then stopped his Ipod.

"Oh. Amanda. How did you know?" Andrew asked. She joined him on the Newman's balcony.

"Whenever my dad has something on his mind, he goes outside to get a word from God." Amanda said. "Now spill."

"Well..." Could he really tell her? Okay, it wasn't a big deal, just tell her. "Today when I met you, I felt....
 nervous.  I couldn't help it. I've never felt that way around a girl. Now when I look at Maralay or Veronica..." He looked over his shoulder at the door. He hated how his hands trembled. He banged his fist on the metal railing.  "Ow!" He said, shaking out the pain. "I hate this. I just want to be friends with you guys. I've asked God to take it away, but He hasn't. " Amanda thought for a moment.

"Give it to the Lord," she said. "You prayed for Him to take it away, but have you let Him? You need to ask the Lord to take it away, believe it's gone, and it will go away. I promise. Heaven knows how many times I've asked for Him to take stuff away." She grabbed a hanging earbud and stuck it in her ear. "Mind if you start over from the beginning of your tracks?"


That morning, after a training session, everyone, except Kai,  had a hearty meal of sausage and eggs.  Kai just had cereal. "I like cereal." he said in defence, and kept eating.

Amanda sat by Andrew so see if she had helped him at all. He gave the A-ok sign.

But now Andrew had a different problem. His sister usually ate their parents out of house and home. She had barely eaten anything. Also, he thought she would cream him in practice, but he surprised her and then lost to Kai. Andrew thought of bringing it up, but Veronica scooted her chair back and stood up from the table.

"I have an errand to run." She said, and went out the door.

Veronica ran down the dirt path to town, and went down Main Street. She then searched the alleyways for the right one. 789 she read, and darted down the alleyway.

To be continued.... 

Friday, March 22, 2013

Next Gen- Teamwork

continued from A New Weird Problem

Amanda got permission from her parents to spend the week at the Newman's house.  As they walked down the path, Kai and Amanda were up front talking about what they'd been doing for the past few weeks. Andrew was in back, far from Amanda. Lord, please don't let that happen again, he thought. A few minites ago, he felt nervous around Amanda and couldn't figure out why.

Three figures jumped out of the bushes. They wore the long robes that indicated they were part of the Liberation Troop. One of the figures had a sporemon the kids recognized as an Amafist. The other was a water-type called Megator, a huge aligator, and the other was an earth-type called Magnitite.

"Hand over your sporemon, now!" the biggest figure cried.

Andrew saw his sister nod, and knew what that meant. They rushed in front of the party. "If you want to get our sporemon..." Andrew started

"Then you have to get through us!" finished Alissa. Andrew marveled at how they worked together. Sometimes, they got on each other's nerves, and teased one another, but when the time came to be a team, they could cream anyone.

"Amafist, super punch!" the biggest figure called. The Amafist leaped an incredably high distance off the ground to come down and punch the earth sending shock waves through the ground.  Amafist never got the chance.

"Horsea, hoof stomp!" Alissa said, and her sporemon, a blue horse with a frothy white mane and tail stomped the ground

"Costric, chained lightning!" Andrew cried and his furry, yellow monkey shot two big bolts of lightning from each of his hands. The lightning surrounded the Amafist on the right and left, and made way for the tidal wave Horsea created to sweep away Amafist.

"Two more!" Alissa said. A large boulder was launched their way. Costric nimbly dodged, caught the boulder, and threw it at the Magntite. That only left Megator. Horsea stomped again but this time the sporemon swam through the current and smashed into Horsea.

"It didn't work."  Alissa said.

"I have a plan. Do that move again" Andrew said.

Alissa gave him a confused look and did the hoof stomp once more. As Horsea galloped toward the Megator, Costric jumped on its back. The wave hit the Megator and it swam toward their sporemon again. "Chained lightning!" Andrew called, and Costric's hand lit up with sparks. The water was electrified and the Magator was stunned, then knocked out. The other members congratulated Andrew and Alissa.

Andrew was glad they were headed to the Newman's house. He needed to think.

 "Poor babies," Delilah mocked, as the three figures cowered before her. "Pathetic! My father isn't  pleased with your attacks on the Savers. It's time we change tactics."

To be continued.......         

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Next Gen- Weird New Problem

continued from New Member? 

Sara O'Bon stood on a moonlit beach gazing up at the stars. She looked down and saw two toddlers holding her hands- her children. She slowed down to allow their wobbly legs to catch up. She smiled and enjoyed the wonder on their faces as they looked at the stars and gasped and pointed. She bent down and asked Andrew "Can you find the Milky Way?" Even back home on Threa the Milky Way streamed across the heavens. Andrew's little face told her he was thinking hard, and pointed to the cluster of stars stretching across the sky.

"Very Good!" she said and bent down to give him a hug. She felt a tug on her shirt. "What about me?" asked Alissa. She picked Alissa up and twirled her around. I enjoy this. Sara thought. But I thought the kids were teenagers.  Alissa giggled as Sara set her down on the sand. Suddenly Andrew and Alissa grew up, to the age she thought they were. They gave their mother a tight, loving hug, and dashed through a portal to Threa.

Sara awoke and sat up. It had been a dream. She smiled, remembering her kids as little tykes, holding them to steady them, and walk, ever so slowly, letting them take their first steps. "Lord," she prayed. "Please watch out for Andrew and Alissa, and if it's not too much trouble, tell them their Momma loves them."

She rolled over, careful not to wake Sam, and tried to calm her mind. She had a Momma mind, trying to let her kids grow up, but not wanting to let go. She wondered if it was as hard for her kids as it was for her. She smiled. God would protect her two gifts from harm.

Kai knocked on the door. A girl, about Andrew, Alissa, Cody, Maralay, and Veronica's age appeared. Pretty. Andrew thought. He wasn't head-over heels or anything, but he did have to admit, she was pretty.  

"Hi, Kai." the girl said. "Who are your friends?" Kai introduced each of them. "My name is Amanda Strander." After she and Andrew shook hands, his hand tingled. Even when Veronica shook hands he didn't feel that. What weird new problem faced him, so far away from home and family? Never in his life had he been..... nervous around a girl. He'd never felt it, save for just now, but, nervous? It had to come now?

Amanda looked at the others. "You probably know this," she said. "But my Sporemon was taken by the Liberation Troop a year ago. I don't want revenge, I just want to see if I can find him. Is it okay if I join?"

"Sure." said Andrew. He meant it, but he couldn't help feeling like something else wanted her to be on the team. Suddenly a shriek tore through Andrew's thoughts.

"IT'S A GIANT BUG!" cried Alissa.

No, it not," Amanda said. "She's my Sporemon I got after they took my old one. She's a Mariposamon."  A large purple butterfly fluttered onto the door step. She reached down and petted it's furry head.

Deep in the shadows, three figures watched. "Well,well, looks like we got another Sporemon for the Troop" Kenta said, smiling evilly.

To be continued.....    

Next Gen- New Member?

Continued from a Greater Challenge

 "So are you prepared for your greatest challange, Kai Gero? After all, when you lose, your sporemon will belong to the Liberation Troop," the robed figure said.

Kai gave the robed figure a look that would probably melt steel. "See you in the stadium, then." Kai said to the figure and walked out of the room.

"Kai!" Veronica called after him and he turned around. With his sporemon, Coatal, behind him, he looked ready to take on a Great White Shark.  

This dude is tough Andrew thought.  "Hey, V." he said talking to Veronica. "Now's not the time to talk. I have to try to protect Coatal from that jerk."

Kai petted Coatal on its nose, and it made a humming sound.

"Okay, but when you cream this guy, I want you to join our team." Veronica said.  Kai smiled a kind smile, and Veronica gave him a thumbs up. Kai returned the thumb's up, and walked away.

Veronica shrugged. "He looks and acts all tough, but he really gets excited about battling opponents. Slip only a little, and you're toast. That's why Kai is so serious when he battles with Coatal." Then the kids went back to their seats in the stands.

"Sporemon Trainers ready?" asked the referee. Kai and the robed figure nodded. "Battle!" the ref said, and the fight was on. A little yellow wheel with eyes zoomed around the figure and  ran circles around Coatal.

"What is that thing?" Andrew asked, and looked in the monipedia. "Wheelies are Sporemon known to travel in herds, and their stampedes are devastating. They are often mistaken as hubcaps for cars," he read out loud.

The Wheelie was creaming Coatal. Coatal tried to take flight, but the Wheelie kept coming faster then Coatal could take off. Kai had to do something fast, or he would lose Coatal.

"Is that all you got?" asked the robed figure.

"No," Kai answered matter of factly. "My God has more power then any of your organization will ever have. Coatal, now!" Coatal's snake-like figure wound it's self into a wheel and matched the Wheelie speed for speed. All the Savers were amazed at Kai's quick thinking, or was it inspiration from Christ? Kai then timed an attack just right. "Coatal, Light Burst!" as Coatal rolled into position, it shot a mighty fireball from it's mouth at Wheelie. Wheelie spun in place, and then fell over sideways. Kai had won.

Kai and the other Savers walked out of the stadium. The Saver's Sporemon  ran to them, tired of playing tag, and munching on grass while they waited for their owners.

"I know a girl that would help us defeat the Liberation Troop. They took her sporemon a year ago. Thinking of how sad she was helped me win, but of course, the real reason I won was Christ." Kai said, and smiled. Could the Savers have a new member?
"I-I'm sorry Miss." The figure stammered. He was in a throne room, and seated on a throne was Delilah DeCeeve, Dereck's daughter. She loved  the power, and how every one groveled in her presence.

Delilah frowned. "Go back to the training room, you need much more training!" she snapped. The figure winced. She called three members by name. "Kenta! Jon! Keith!" They all bowed before her. "Take care of these new Christianity Savers. They could be a thorn in our side later on!"

To be continued....  

Friday, March 8, 2013

Next Gen- A Greater Challenge

 "So loud!" Marilay cried as she pressed her hands to her ears. The roar of the crowd was deafening. The kids were in the Riverside Stadium, an arena that overlooked the river. The next generation of Christianity Savers, except for Veronica, covered their ears from the crowd's constant noise.

"This doesn't bother you?" asked Andrew.

"No," Veronica replied. "I've been to lots of Sporemon battles here. I'm used to it." Suddenly in an explosion and cloud of dust filled the area where the Sporemon had fought.

"That battle only started three minutes ago! No wonder you suggested Kai Gero for our team." Andrew said, stunned.

Kai Gero was the number one ranked player in the Newman's town. A snake-like body and head rose above the dust in the stadium. The Sporemon Kai rode was huge, and looked like a big, white snake with red wings.

Alissa checked the Monipedia. "It says here that thing is a Couatl pronounced 'Ko-Wat-Al' It likes warm sunny regions and only those with a honed gift of the Spirit can train one."

The head rose even further and the kids could see Kai more clearly. He was at least 16 with short blond hair and intense eyes. With his hands in his pockets and with the way he carried himself, he seemed to take any challenger lightly, because, after all, he was the champ. 

"Like we need two apathetic team-members," Andrew thought,  "Veronica, and now Kai?"

The Savers went to a lower level, where the noise of the crowds was muffled. The kids heard a differant kind of noise. Celebratory shouts and roars were coming from the locker room. Perhaps Kai wasn't as apathetic as Andrew thought he was. Then the shouts and roars stopped. The kids went into the room. Kai was standing, solemn again, with Couatl by his side. A robed figure stood, obscured by shadows.

"So are you prepared for your greatest challenge, Kai Gero? After all, when you lose, your Sporemon will belong to the Liberation Troop." the robed figure said.

To be continued........