On the Porch of the house

On the Porch of the house

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Next Gen- New Member?

Continued from a Greater Challenge

 "So are you prepared for your greatest challange, Kai Gero? After all, when you lose, your sporemon will belong to the Liberation Troop," the robed figure said.

Kai gave the robed figure a look that would probably melt steel. "See you in the stadium, then." Kai said to the figure and walked out of the room.

"Kai!" Veronica called after him and he turned around. With his sporemon, Coatal, behind him, he looked ready to take on a Great White Shark.  

This dude is tough Andrew thought.  "Hey, V." he said talking to Veronica. "Now's not the time to talk. I have to try to protect Coatal from that jerk."

Kai petted Coatal on its nose, and it made a humming sound.

"Okay, but when you cream this guy, I want you to join our team." Veronica said.  Kai smiled a kind smile, and Veronica gave him a thumbs up. Kai returned the thumb's up, and walked away.

Veronica shrugged. "He looks and acts all tough, but he really gets excited about battling opponents. Slip only a little, and you're toast. That's why Kai is so serious when he battles with Coatal." Then the kids went back to their seats in the stands.

"Sporemon Trainers ready?" asked the referee. Kai and the robed figure nodded. "Battle!" the ref said, and the fight was on. A little yellow wheel with eyes zoomed around the figure and  ran circles around Coatal.

"What is that thing?" Andrew asked, and looked in the monipedia. "Wheelies are Sporemon known to travel in herds, and their stampedes are devastating. They are often mistaken as hubcaps for cars," he read out loud.

The Wheelie was creaming Coatal. Coatal tried to take flight, but the Wheelie kept coming faster then Coatal could take off. Kai had to do something fast, or he would lose Coatal.

"Is that all you got?" asked the robed figure.

"No," Kai answered matter of factly. "My God has more power then any of your organization will ever have. Coatal, now!" Coatal's snake-like figure wound it's self into a wheel and matched the Wheelie speed for speed. All the Savers were amazed at Kai's quick thinking, or was it inspiration from Christ? Kai then timed an attack just right. "Coatal, Light Burst!" as Coatal rolled into position, it shot a mighty fireball from it's mouth at Wheelie. Wheelie spun in place, and then fell over sideways. Kai had won.

Kai and the other Savers walked out of the stadium. The Saver's Sporemon  ran to them, tired of playing tag, and munching on grass while they waited for their owners.

"I know a girl that would help us defeat the Liberation Troop. They took her sporemon a year ago. Thinking of how sad she was helped me win, but of course, the real reason I won was Christ." Kai said, and smiled. Could the Savers have a new member?
"I-I'm sorry Miss." The figure stammered. He was in a throne room, and seated on a throne was Delilah DeCeeve, Dereck's daughter. She loved  the power, and how every one groveled in her presence.

Delilah frowned. "Go back to the training room, you need much more training!" she snapped. The figure winced. She called three members by name. "Kenta! Jon! Keith!" They all bowed before her. "Take care of these new Christianity Savers. They could be a thorn in our side later on!"

To be continued....  

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