On the Porch of the house

On the Porch of the house

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Winds of Change part 3

continued from Part 2

Sara Mills had brushed her teeth, put on her pajamas, and had curled up with her book, North! Or be Eaten  by Andrew Peterson. She enjoyed the time spent reading before bed. In the time before she drifts off to sleep, she could go over the facts and try to see if she could figure out the cliffhangers.

Plink! Something hit the window. Plink! There it was again. Plink, plink, plink!

"What's going on?!" Sara asked out loud.

She went over to the window. Plink! Rocks! Someone was throwing rocks at her window! Sara opened her window.

"Will you quit throwing-," Sara stopped short.

Ali Charles was standing with a rock in her hand. "Ali? What on Threa are you doing?"

" I-I want to know how to get..... saved." Ali looked over her shoulder. She looked back. "Please! I promise it isn't a trick!"

Ali looked desperate. A minute later, Ali was sitting on Sara's bed, thanks to Apatobront making a vine on the aside of the house Ali could climb.

"I want to have Him in my life, but I'm sure He wouldn't take me."

Sara put a hand on Ali's shoulder.

"Jesus said to a criminal, dying on the cross, 'You will surely see Paradise this day.' He loves everyone, Ali. Some just don't know that."

Ali thought about her mom, dad, brothers, sister, and grandfather.

"The truth is, when you accept Him, He comes through here," Sara pointed at her heart. "It's a choice. No one can make it for you. But He only comes if you allow Him to."

Ali took a deep breath and closed her eyes.

She was standing outside an enormous cave. A baby cried. She walked up to the entrance. She saw a woman put a baby in a manger, a feeding trough for animals. She couldn't explained it, but Ali's heart filled with joy.

Ali was now in a village square. Jesus was standing talking to his disciples, then turned to face her. Their eyes looked into hers, and in that moment, she felt strength.

She was in the middle of a crowd, yelling. She couldn't stop. "Crucify Him!" She yelled. She had to stop, she didn't want this, but it was all she could say.

She was in temple. It was very, very dark outside. Suddenly a purple curtain, at least 10 feet high ripped, top to bottom.

She was on a hill standing in front of a tomb. Jesus' tomb. She was indescribably fifthly. And she was sobbing.

"Why?" she asked. "Why did you have to die for me? I should have been up there, not you! And now, because of me, you....." She broke off.

Suddenly the ground shook She braced herself, and then it stopped. She looked around. The rock in front of the door was shattered, and a marvelous figure, clothed in white stood in front of her.

Crying she hugged Him. "I thought you were dead!" she said.

Jesus smiled. "I was. But because I rose, again, you have life. Now, stand back."

Jesus thrust out his hand, and a bright light shone out from it. She was clean! She had been caked with dirt, but now she was clean at last!

As a final touch, Jesus pulled her shirt over her midsection.

"Let this be a sign you have changed Ali." Jesus said.

She opened her eyes. She was back in Sara's room.

"It worked!He's here!" She yelled, and burst into tears of joy.

Sara hugged her saying, "Welcome, Sister of Christ."

To Be Continued.........

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Winds Of Change part 2

continued from Part 1

"What kind of thing is this Sara?" Sam asked.

They were riding Mechacrab through the heavy stream of water from the broken dam. There was a clear casing, like a bubble around the Sporemon, allowing the kids to breathe underwater.

"My Dad invented this. He says it's like a submarine, it doesn't let water in, but it allows Sporemon attacks out."

"Look!" Kay said and pointed.

Ali Charles' limp form came into view.

Sara maneuvered the "bubble" under Ali, and raised it. The bubble bobbed on the surface of the river, now almost overflowing with the extra water.

Sara deactivated the "bubble" and mechacrab flew to shore.

The three friends gathered around Ali.

"Should we do C.P.R.?" Sam asked. But just then, Ali coughed and opened her bright blue eyes.

"Wha....... Where ....am I?" Then it all came back to her. She stood up, a confused look on her face. "Why? Why would you save an enemy? It goes against nature. Only the strongest survive......"

Sara smiled and said "It's what Jesus told us to do."

At that Ali rolled her eyes. She bowed her head. "Anyway, thank you" she whispered and ran off.

Sara looked at Sam and Kay.

"Let's go home, guys, we'll search for Drafly tomorrow"

Ali sat on her bed reading The Origin of Species, when she looked out the window, out at the myriad of stars.

"Is it more logical to believe that God created, or millions of years?" she said, talking to no one in particular.

"Come on, Catterwaller! I know what we have to do."

To Be Continued.......      

Monday, May 14, 2012

Winds of Change part 1

Continued from The End of the Tournament

A green streak raced along the forest, gliding over fleeing Sporemon and fallen tree branches. Two figures ran, almost under the creature. Ali and Caterwaller ran, only one step behind the third Sporemon. Ali looked over her shoulder at the forest behind them. Another Sporemon with a metallic orange color was gaining fast.

"Oh, no," Ali said to herself, "Not the Mills girl and the two Earthlings!"

They were riding a Sporemon known as a Mechacrab.

Sam was thinking. Where did I go wrong in the tournament? he wondered. He knew God could have helped him win, but in the end, the Charles' got the Sporemon. It seemed that Alaina was right about the bond between Sporemon and its partner, leaving Sam with doubts about God's mission. As they zoomed across the forest, Sam prayed God would show him why they lost.

The green streak bust out of the forest, but a piece of wood came from nowhere and hit the poor Sporemon upside the head. It crashed onto a large wooden structure then stood up on six legs. The wooden structure was a dam, over looking the river, built to stop a waterfall's flow. A Sporemon emerged from a small wooden dome, ready and alert. There was going to be a battle.

Ali finally made it out of the woods and stood in a little grassy area right in front of the dam.

"A Splatypus dam!" Ali realized. She looked at the battle unfolding on the dam's edge. A blue Sporemon with webbed feet and hands, and a beak dodged the gigantic wings of a green dragonfly-like Sporemon.

"We've got to get that Drafly to Grandpa, Catterwaller, Lightning Claw!"

The claw on Caterwaller's left hand surged with electricity.

"DON'T!" Ali looked toward the noise.

Sara Mills frantically waved her arms, yelling "Don't use the attack! The force of one more Sporemon entering the fray might collapse the dam!"

Ali paid no attention. The Christianity Savers were her enemies. Why they'd probably attack her as soon as look at her. Ali raced toward the dam, and stood on the edge.

Catterwaller's attack came down, but the other two Sporemon were too quick. They dodged, making Catterwaller hit the dam instead.

With a thunderous noise, the dam broke.   

Ali screamed as she was taken over the falls, faster then she could move. The Mechacrab moved back to let the rush of water subside.

"We can't just sit here," Kay said "we have to help them!"

"You're right," Sam agreed. "Sara, we need to go into that stream of water!"

"Right!" And they took off, trying to help one of their greatest enemies

TO BE CONTINUED.......      

Friday, May 11, 2012

The End of the Tournament

Continued from The Second Sporemon

Kay and Mr. Mills watched as Apatobront and Lugmon were defeated. They listened to Alaina's whistle and saw something fly from the trees beyond toward the stadium. But they couldn't help Sam and Sara win the battle. Kay had been knocked out of the competition, and Mr. Mills never entered. They could only pray.

As the speck came closer, it turned blue and bird-shaped. Kay got out her Monipedia and found the Sporemon, now 20 feet from the stadium. It looked like a Blue Jay with larger eyes and a brilliant blue crest on its head.  She read " Jaybeau: Air type.Other birds are careful when Jaybeau is around, because this Sporemon likes to steal and eat their eggs. It is also is known to steal tin foil, or money to build nests."

"She's using a small, agile Sporemon to counter the Iythomon's size and power," Mr. Mills observed. "We can only pray that Sam and Sara wake Apatobront and Lugmon in time."

Sara knelt by her Apatobront. "C'mon. You need to get up buddy, we need you."

The referee blew his whistle signaling the end of the match  Alaina was the winner. The crowd roared in the stands, but an Earthling and a Father just clapped.
Alaina still had to beat the Iythomon. Her Jaybeau flew around, dived, and slammed into the Evol type. It was only knocked off balance.

"Jaybeau, use Stormy Gust!"

The bird flapped its wings so hard Sara had to hold her cap and Sam grabbed the wall. The force of the wind was incredible. The Ichomon felt the same effect and dug its feet into the ground. It used its Whirlpool Spiral, but the wind blew it away.

The Jaybeau cawed and dived straight for the Ichomon, tired out from the battle with the Christianity Savers. It collapsed, knocked out.

"What was that you were saying, Sam? Oh, yea. God will help win the tournament because His spirit flows through me.!" Alaina laughed. "This was fun!"

She waved to the crowd, stayed around for interviews and then came home.

Ali knocked on Alaina's door. "Can I come in?" she asked.

Alaina nodded.

Ali looked at her sister for a minute and said "Good job winning the tournament. That training paid off big time." Alaina's face brightened and she hugged Ali. Ali hugged back.

"Good night, Ali," Alaina said "You'll need sleep for chasing that Dracofly, tomorrow."

Yes, Ali thought as she drifted off to sleep, I do need some sleep.

The one thing Ali didn't know, was that her life would forever be changed that afternoon.

To Be Continued...... 

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

The Second Sporemon

continued from Three-Way Free-For-All 

The Sporemon charged right for Sara, but she was so surprised, she couldn't move!

"Lugmon! Now!"

Lugmon breathed deep and unleashed a fire ball. It soared across the battlefield and smashed right into the Evol type.

"Thanks!" Sara said. Sam nodded  When the smoke cleared, the fish-like Sporemon shook it's head, and turned to Sam and Sara.

"Not a scratch! Why didn't the attack work Sara?" Sam asked, confused.

"The attack worked perfectly if you were trying to stop it from smashing me, but it didn't work if you were trying to inflict damage. See, Lugmon is a Fire type, and this new one is Water. Your attack wasn't as effective because you didn't have an elemental advantage. Water puts out fire."

"So now, how are we going to beat-" Sam was cut off by a roar. Alaina's Magmine had jumped up and bitten the new type on it's neck.

"Get that Icthomon so we can bring it home to Grandpa, and then finish these two off for the win!" Alaina said, jumping up and down.

But the Ithomon threw Magmine off, and the thrust knocked Magmine out.

"Now's our chance! Apatobront, Tree Stomp!" Sara commanded. Apatobront stomped the ground and trees grew, one after the other, but the Sporemon countered. It shot a jet of water out of its mouth smashing the trees like toothpicks, and knocked Apatobront out.

"Guess it's up to you, Sam. Kay can't come out to the field and help us because she was eliminated."
 Sam looked Sara in the eye.

"God will see me through. Even though Lugmon is Fire, I can beat this guy, because of Christ's power flowing through me! Lugmon, Lava Hurricane!"

The Icthomon attacked at the same time with its Whirlpool Spiral and the two tornadoes met, in mid-air.
But it wasn't enough. The Water move got through and hit Lugmon.

"Nice try, guys, but old faerie-tales can't help you now!" Alaina said with a grin. She whistled and something flew from a tree toward the arena.

"She called another Sporemon?!" Sara was stunned.

The black dot in the distance came closer and closer, to try and take the Icthomon down for Alaina Charles.

TO BE CONTINUED.......              

Monday, May 7, 2012

Three-way free-for-all

Continued from The Round Continues 

Kay sat in the locker room. "Sorry, guys. Guess I messed up." She said.

Lightning nuzzled her, telling Kay she did a good job out there in that strange way Sporemon have of communicating with humans.

"It's all right, Kay," Sam said, "Your loss just means that either Sara or I will get to go on to the final round."

"You can still cheer for us in the stands." Sara added.

Turning her attention to Sam, she smiled and said, "but just just because we're teammates, doesn't mean Apatabront and I will go easy on you!"

"Just what I wanted to hear," Sam said, and the two friends shook hands.


"A free-for-all?" Sam asked. Sara shrugged.

The two friends made their way into the arena and faced Alaina.

"I'm going to beat you both, because when my Magmine and I work together there's no stopping us!"

Sam and Sara looked at each other. They knew a corny line like that would be in some kind of worldly Japanese cartoon.

"Bonding with your Sporemon IS important, but realizing that Jesus will help you win in the end is even more important." Sam told her.

Alaina looked confused.

"But Ali taught me that bonding is the most important thing. I'll show you!"

The metal arena disappeared again and out came an arena that had a mountain in the middle of it.

"Fight!" the referee said.

But before anyone could move, a gaping hole was smashed though the walls of the bleachers where no one was sitting. A blue fish-like Sporemon angrily roared and charged straight for Sara.

To Be Continued..........

Blessings to the Brouse family! Have a good move and God be with you guys,
Creator's Son 

Thursday, May 3, 2012

A San Antonio visit

Yesterday, we went to San Antonio for 2 main reasons, 1. to get the oil changed in Dad's car. 2. To get some more picks at the Guitar Store. I wanted to go to Target for two things, one of them  I found, the other I had to buy online.

 I found a new Bey (Nightmare Rex) and bought that. They also had a Vulcan Horusesus, Bakushin Susonow, and Spiral Capricorn, in case you are interested in rare Beyblades. Anyway, the second thing was weird. A new card game, Vanguard Card Fight,  was in our Walmart (who has absolutely nothing in the way of good card games and stuff) Yet I couldn't find a starter deck at any Target, so I had to go online.

Enough about games. We went to change the oil, then went to the Guitar store.  We then  went to Half-price books, there we got a Hank the Cowdog book (I recommend this series of books by John R. Erickson) a few whodunit books, the second book in The Door Within series,
 (Recommended) and a book of dumb signs from all over the planet..

We ate a Freddy's for lunch, and made our way to Costco, got a membership, and shopped. After ALL that, I was so tired I still have tire tracks down my back. I was glad to be home, and I  watched Dad complain about how the characters moved in his new $45.00 game that he can't get used to playing, because the camera doesn't follow you. Today we are doing school and relaxing by climbing a 500 foot tower, covered in syrup in straitjackets. Because that is more relaxing than what we did yesterday.

God Bless You,
Creator's Son