On the Porch of the house

On the Porch of the house

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Winds of Change part 3

continued from Part 2

Sara Mills had brushed her teeth, put on her pajamas, and had curled up with her book, North! Or be Eaten  by Andrew Peterson. She enjoyed the time spent reading before bed. In the time before she drifts off to sleep, she could go over the facts and try to see if she could figure out the cliffhangers.

Plink! Something hit the window. Plink! There it was again. Plink, plink, plink!

"What's going on?!" Sara asked out loud.

She went over to the window. Plink! Rocks! Someone was throwing rocks at her window! Sara opened her window.

"Will you quit throwing-," Sara stopped short.

Ali Charles was standing with a rock in her hand. "Ali? What on Threa are you doing?"

" I-I want to know how to get..... saved." Ali looked over her shoulder. She looked back. "Please! I promise it isn't a trick!"

Ali looked desperate. A minute later, Ali was sitting on Sara's bed, thanks to Apatobront making a vine on the aside of the house Ali could climb.

"I want to have Him in my life, but I'm sure He wouldn't take me."

Sara put a hand on Ali's shoulder.

"Jesus said to a criminal, dying on the cross, 'You will surely see Paradise this day.' He loves everyone, Ali. Some just don't know that."

Ali thought about her mom, dad, brothers, sister, and grandfather.

"The truth is, when you accept Him, He comes through here," Sara pointed at her heart. "It's a choice. No one can make it for you. But He only comes if you allow Him to."

Ali took a deep breath and closed her eyes.

She was standing outside an enormous cave. A baby cried. She walked up to the entrance. She saw a woman put a baby in a manger, a feeding trough for animals. She couldn't explained it, but Ali's heart filled with joy.

Ali was now in a village square. Jesus was standing talking to his disciples, then turned to face her. Their eyes looked into hers, and in that moment, she felt strength.

She was in the middle of a crowd, yelling. She couldn't stop. "Crucify Him!" She yelled. She had to stop, she didn't want this, but it was all she could say.

She was in temple. It was very, very dark outside. Suddenly a purple curtain, at least 10 feet high ripped, top to bottom.

She was on a hill standing in front of a tomb. Jesus' tomb. She was indescribably fifthly. And she was sobbing.

"Why?" she asked. "Why did you have to die for me? I should have been up there, not you! And now, because of me, you....." She broke off.

Suddenly the ground shook She braced herself, and then it stopped. She looked around. The rock in front of the door was shattered, and a marvelous figure, clothed in white stood in front of her.

Crying she hugged Him. "I thought you were dead!" she said.

Jesus smiled. "I was. But because I rose, again, you have life. Now, stand back."

Jesus thrust out his hand, and a bright light shone out from it. She was clean! She had been caked with dirt, but now she was clean at last!

As a final touch, Jesus pulled her shirt over her midsection.

"Let this be a sign you have changed Ali." Jesus said.

She opened her eyes. She was back in Sara's room.

"It worked!He's here!" She yelled, and burst into tears of joy.

Sara hugged her saying, "Welcome, Sister of Christ."

To Be Continued.........

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