On the Porch of the house

On the Porch of the house

Monday, May 14, 2012

Winds of Change part 1

Continued from The End of the Tournament

A green streak raced along the forest, gliding over fleeing Sporemon and fallen tree branches. Two figures ran, almost under the creature. Ali and Caterwaller ran, only one step behind the third Sporemon. Ali looked over her shoulder at the forest behind them. Another Sporemon with a metallic orange color was gaining fast.

"Oh, no," Ali said to herself, "Not the Mills girl and the two Earthlings!"

They were riding a Sporemon known as a Mechacrab.

Sam was thinking. Where did I go wrong in the tournament? he wondered. He knew God could have helped him win, but in the end, the Charles' got the Sporemon. It seemed that Alaina was right about the bond between Sporemon and its partner, leaving Sam with doubts about God's mission. As they zoomed across the forest, Sam prayed God would show him why they lost.

The green streak bust out of the forest, but a piece of wood came from nowhere and hit the poor Sporemon upside the head. It crashed onto a large wooden structure then stood up on six legs. The wooden structure was a dam, over looking the river, built to stop a waterfall's flow. A Sporemon emerged from a small wooden dome, ready and alert. There was going to be a battle.

Ali finally made it out of the woods and stood in a little grassy area right in front of the dam.

"A Splatypus dam!" Ali realized. She looked at the battle unfolding on the dam's edge. A blue Sporemon with webbed feet and hands, and a beak dodged the gigantic wings of a green dragonfly-like Sporemon.

"We've got to get that Drafly to Grandpa, Catterwaller, Lightning Claw!"

The claw on Caterwaller's left hand surged with electricity.

"DON'T!" Ali looked toward the noise.

Sara Mills frantically waved her arms, yelling "Don't use the attack! The force of one more Sporemon entering the fray might collapse the dam!"

Ali paid no attention. The Christianity Savers were her enemies. Why they'd probably attack her as soon as look at her. Ali raced toward the dam, and stood on the edge.

Catterwaller's attack came down, but the other two Sporemon were too quick. They dodged, making Catterwaller hit the dam instead.

With a thunderous noise, the dam broke.   

Ali screamed as she was taken over the falls, faster then she could move. The Mechacrab moved back to let the rush of water subside.

"We can't just sit here," Kay said "we have to help them!"

"You're right," Sam agreed. "Sara, we need to go into that stream of water!"

"Right!" And they took off, trying to help one of their greatest enemies

TO BE CONTINUED.......      

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