On the Porch of the house

On the Porch of the house

Monday, February 27, 2012

Aptarix Returns

continued from A Battle in the Forest

"PATA!" Apatabront cried as he jumped right in the way of the Dragon's Breath move.

"What on earth?! Sara, what happened?" asked Sam.

"Apatabront blocked the Dragon's Breath from hitting Lightning." Sara smiled.

Lightning ran in front of Apatabront sparks shooting out of her fur in all directions. Apatabront stood and then looked up. In the distance they heard the cry of a bird, and they all looked up. Circling above them was the Aptarix.

"It must have sensed its puppet was knocked out. It's searching for a new sporemon to take control of!" Ali realized.

"We need a flying sporemon to catch that thing. " Sara said, matter of factly.

Sam thought for a second. "Sara, is Apatabront still healthy enough to use Tree Stomp?"

"Yes, why?"

"Make steps, one tree taller than the last up to the Aptarix." Sam explained.

"Oh, and use an attack to knock Aptarix out!" Kay suddenly said.

Growing up together as childhood friends, Kay knew Sam well and Sam knew her well.

"I just hope this works! Look, Ali's Caterwaller is climbing a tree to reach Aptarix!" Sara said pointing.

TO BE CONTINUED......          

Friday, February 24, 2012

20 random things (possibly)

1# I gave up potato chips and other related products for Lent, because I've noticed I'm becoming a little a too pudgy for my taste.

2# Monsuno, a TV show, premiered last light and it was awesome, but a favorite character didn't get a Monsuno yet.

3#  I've always thought of myself as a "hero" type of person. I think I have a knack for putting Jesus and others first, and can't quite understand why people are soooo evil sometimes. (Like Mom making me do Algebra for example)

4# I just don't really like math. I seem to be good at it but it's just confusing.

5# I like writing random stuff like this

6# My main Beyblade for now is Earth Striker, with a Special Move, Oblivion Beam

7# I like defense type Beyblades best.

8# Club Penguin's Pirate Quest lacked quite a bit.

9#  Friday night is "Cell Group" night for us, a bunch of people come to our house for a tiny "Sermon" and prayer requests.

#10 I can recite all three Ben10 theme songs, and I'm a Ben10 "Fan" (Kind of, not exactly) yet Ben can be absolutely obnoxious and we go "Whaaaat?" whenever he is. Weird? Yes.

#11  My sister and I have saved the world from an angry Polar Bear named Herbert and his pet crab Klutzy on more than 3 occasions. That's all I can tell you. I'm sworn to secrecy by an organization called the EP- LOST TRANSMISSION! ERROR! POTATO SALAD NOT AUTHORIZED! DOOOOT!

#12 There is a ninja right behind you. Made you look!

#13 I don't like the dark. At. All. I don't know why, I just get creeped out even though Jesus is right there.

#14 My sister plays violin and I play guitar

#15 Did you know, (okay, now you do)  I have had numerous pre-Cristainty Savers stories over the years. In fact, I can't remember my first version, except it had a little diamond-like sporemon and three bad guys wanting to turn the sporemon into cards.

#16 I am known in my household to make up stories like that. Huh, I wonder why?

#17 I'm almost done with this list

#18 The Weego, Dorito Baby, and Aliens at H-E-B were my favorite Super bowl Commercials.            

#19 I'm almost done with this list.

#20 I'm done with this list! (Mom says I cheated. *heh heh*)

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Battle in the Forest

Continued from A Big Battle 

Kay stood ready. She had no idea what Ali had up her sleeves, but it couldn't be good. Suddenly, the Rhano ran in front of Ali and Caterwaller, and did a Super-Charge right at Lightning. Kay was too afraid because it was the same move and same direction the Rhanos in her dream used. The Rhano's attack struck dead center and Lightning tumbled back.

No time to be afraid, Kay thought, Jesus will protect me! I saw how fears can hurt others, like Lightning. Remember, Sporemon and their partners have to be a team. The Rhano pawed at the ground and charged forward. "Lightning, Lightning shield!" Lightning created a yellow orb around herself, that was buzzing with energy. The Rhano attacked, but it couldn't get in, and in a few minutes, it collapsed on the ground, defeated.

Ali and Joe looked surprised. "You handled that like a pro, and you're from Earth!" Ali gasped. Kay shrugged.

"Ah, that? That was just Jesus' power working though Lightning."

" Oh, please! That fairy tale again?" Asked Ali. "Caterwaller, show this girl nature rules, not some all-knowing phony, Lightning Claw!" Caterwaller jumped in the air and slashed though the Lightning shield.

"How-?" Asked Kay.

"Lightning and Caterwaller are the same element, electricity, moves like Lightning Shield are useless against the same type!"

Joe butted in. "Thanks for taking out the shield, Sis, but T-Dex wants to battle, right?"

T-Dex looked up from trying to snag a bug in mid-air, confused. Joe sighed. "Fine. T-Dex, Dragon's Breath!" T-Dex gulped a huge amount of air for something his size and blew a stream of fire right at Lightning!


Saturday, February 18, 2012

Light in the Darkness

Today, Beyblade, a show based in Japan, got a concept that we all have learned. Tsubasa, a character, had some kind of dark power living within him, and we almost gave up waching it. But, in a stunning upset, he defeated it, not by resisting it, and not "Becoming one" with it.

A line from the show says "Everyone has darkness in their heart, but because of the darkness, light can be seen!" We can't overcome our darkness just by ignoring it. It will get stronger and stronger, but if Jesus shines His light into that darkness it scatters before Him, because He is master of everything.   ....Including darkness.

But, the real choice is up to YOU. If you let that darkness take control, you will just be wallowing in your own filth. "For God so loved the world He gave His only Son, so whosoever believes in Him will have eternal life." John 3:16. You, like the rest of the world, can choose to wallow in sin, but Jesus gave us a choice, and YOU can choose light. I can't make that choice for you, but I pray that you will will find your true nature and let Him take control.

 Beyblade was a reminder that everyone isn't perfect, but they can be forgiven time and time agian by the awesome power of Jesus. And if Japanese cartoons are starting to get it right, what about us in America? 

Thursday, February 9, 2012

A Big Battle

Continued from Ali and Joe

Sara Mills stood on the small path running through Rhano forest, hands behind her head. What was taking Sam and Kay so long?

"Gang way, Mills!" Sara looked down the road to see Ali and Joe running toward her. Sara quickly got out of the way.

"Hit 'em again!" Sam yelled, and Lugmon fired and missed for the umpteenth time. The Rhano was just too fast!

Sara suddenly figured out what was going on and ran to Sam and Kay. "Sorry. From where I was, I couldn't see your battle." Sara apologized.

"But we sure heard you!" Ali and Joe ran up to where Sam, Kay, and Sara were.

"Lugmon's tired out. Can Lightning take over?" Sam asked Kay.

"Oh, please! Caterwaller!" Ali called out and the same yellow creature Sara had fought jumped in front of the Rhano.

Sam had fought the Rhano because of self-defence, but if the Charles' children were fighting it, one of the four sporemon were near by!

"Kay, you have to win this one! A Evo type sporemon is here!"

Before Kay ordered Lightning to attack, she looked her opponents over.

Caterwaller was like a cat. It was all yellow, and walked on two legs. It had huge claws on the end of it's fingers, and a long bushy tail for maximum balance. God sure knew what He was doing to create such a cool creature!

Ali had short brown hair, with a small blue clip in it. She had an orange shirt, the ugly kind that exposes belly that seems all the rage nowadays, a pink belt, sideways, and jeans with holes in the knees. She was a spitting image of the girls of the World.

Meanwhile, Ali examined her opponents as well.

Lightning was a small cat-like sporemon yellow with a black lightning bolt down her back, an adorable face, and a positive symbol on one side of her, negative on the other.

Kay's long black hair was tied in a pony tail, a smile on her face, and a nice yellow shirt, followed by jeans. She was a spitting image of the hope Christ offers, cheery and exited.

"Ready Lightning?"

"Mew, Meow!"

"Uh.... I'll take that as a 'yes'"

"Well, well, well, seems you forgot something!" Ali pointed to the Rhano, pawing at the dirt, ready to charge. "Looks like we have to fight Ali and the Rhano. And I'll bet that it's the only way to lure that Evo type out!"


Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Ali and Joe

Continued from The Dream

T-Dex scorched a tasty bug, before wolfing it down. T-Dex was Joe's zany sporemon partner. T-Dex looked like a miniature Tyrannosaurus from Earth, with orange scales.

"T-Dex, we're not here to eat. We're here to find Grandpa's evolved sporemon." Joe said, twisting his cap frontwards, then backwards on his head. T-Dex made garbled "Grammhh" in reply because he was chomping on the bug he had scorched.

Ali sighed, a long tired sigh. "Just how long have we been in this stupid jungle?" Ali asked.

Her brother shrugged. Then they heard what sounded like a battle.

"Lugmon, Lava Blaster!"

Sam walked along side Sara and Kay. He'd never seen Kay act like this. She looked behind them every few minutes, her hands bunched at her chest. He hated to think it but Kay looked... afraid.

"Sara, could you go on a little ways, my friend and I need some privacy."

"Sure, Sam. C'mon Apatabront."

Sam pulled Kay aside. "Kay, is there something you want to tell me?" Sam asked.

Kay had always been the adventuresome type. That's what had gotten them here in the first place. Kay was NEVER afraid.

Sam pulled out his Bible from a holder on his belt. And held it out to Kay. "My Mom made this holder," Sam patted the leather pouch that had held God's Word. "So whenever I was afraid, or lonely, or sad, I'd read His word, and I'd feel better. You don't have to be afraid Kay, Jesus is with you, no matter what. You don't have to be afraid. Even.... from a dumb dream." Sam turned away from his best friend. "I should know. I've been there. I was afraid for weeks after a nightmare I had, but when I prayed, God answered."

Kay smiled and then shouted "LOOK OUT!"

A Rhano charged out the bushes right between Kay and Sam. Sam knew he had to battle. "Lugmon, Lava Blaster!"

Lugmon stopped sniffing a flower and threw his mighty fireball, but the Rnano was too quick.

"Looks like it's speed versus power." Sam said, a determined look on his face.


By the Way, how are you liking the story so far? If you have any suggestions, I'll be happy to look at them.
God bless you!
Creator's son, and Lugmon.      

Monday, February 6, 2012

A Dream.

Continued from The Water Type

Kay was running for her life, through a forest with a thousand Rhanos after her. She turned around, nodded to Lightning and yelled "Lightning, Lightning Shield!" and pointed to the wall of Super-Charging Rhanos.

Lightning just looked up at her with her big black eyes, blinked, and started giving herself a bath. Where were Sara and Sam? she picked up Lightning, and ran.

On Earth she could beat her best friend at racing, and could even run down her driveway at 10 m.p.h. to catch up to her friend's car and shout an animal noise as in "Good-bye!", but here, she didn't know how much longer she could run on. Soon she tripped over a root. As the Rhanos closed in, she mustered all her strength and screamed. Surely Sam and Sara heard that! 

Sara may have asked for a dream, but Kay certainly got one. Kay awoke in her room at Sara's house. And indeed, people heard her. Sam, Sara, Apatabront, Lugmon, and Mr. and Mrs. Mills came running to find out what was the matter.

"Sorry," Kay whispered. "I just... had a bad dream, that's all." 

Mrs. Mills offered her warm milk and Kay gulped it down. It didn't taste like Earth milk, so it must have come from some kind of sporemon.

"Get some rest," Sara said as she and Sam left the room. "We've got to go to Rhano Forest to track down one of those four Sporemon."

And with that reassuring bit of news Kay lay awake most of the rest of the night, praying for a good day tomorrow. 

TO BE CONTINUED...              

Friday, February 3, 2012

The Water Type

continued from the Fire Type

Sara Mills, hair combed, teeth brushed, and in her pajamas, sat on her bed looking at her Monipedia. She was scanning the new Evo archive for information on where the four sporemon were hiding. All it said was information about the creatures, not their locations, but she was determined to get some kind of clue to their whereabouts. She read "The Aptarix sporemon's unique hypnotising ability lies in it's strange spiral eyes. It can use the move Mayhem Minion to take hold of other sporemon. It also has powerful fiery attacks." for the hundtreth time.

Sara yawned, switched off her "Lamp", or the closest thing to a lamp on Thrae, shut her Monipedia, and prayed for a dream to tell her where any of the sporemon were.

A Searay swam in the murky water of the Epuladaug River, skimming the bottom. Suddenly the searay's bulb on it's head lit up and swam away. That was the only thing that saved it from being lunch. The Icthomon, the water Evol type, woke from it's sleep and snapped it's jaws at the searay, but the little fish was smaller and faster than it was.

The fish-like sporemon climbed out of the water and sunned itself on a warm rock. It's fins dangled uselessly from it's tail, because of now, it was on land. Could the Christianity Savers help stop this beast before he ate all there was in the lake? You probably hope so, don't you?


Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Young, Yet Powerful

I'm "only" a teenager. I don't know anything about cubicles, (except that they're boxes, kind of like offices) getting up at 5:00, eating scrambled eggs, then running out the door to go to work. I don't know how to make a 'movie' movie, (We made some, and may do a Beyblade one) I don't know what all happens when Mom and Dad argue, (most because it doesn't happen very often!) or how even to start to have a relationship with a girl.

When you look at it, I don't know a whole lot about life, growing up, and that may lead some teens to doubt their abilities. Yet 1Timothy 4:12 says "No one should despise your youth, instead, you should be an example to the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, in purity."

I may not know the stress adults may have, but that doesn't mean I can (choose to) mope about it. Look at all the things I know! I know the Truth of Jesus Christ, I know that Mom and Dad are trying to train me well, I know I can't be perfect. I know how to be kind to little kids, and I know God has good plans for me. I know I need my family and they need me. I know my attitude can affect others, or positive, or negative, and I know Algebra is HARD!

When Satan comes and whispers that you know nothing because you are young and inexperienced, stay strong. Know that, you know, that you know what your unique skills are, and what you are capable of. You may be young, but because you have Christ in your heart, you are powerful!