On the Porch of the house

On the Porch of the house

Friday, February 24, 2012

20 random things (possibly)

1# I gave up potato chips and other related products for Lent, because I've noticed I'm becoming a little a too pudgy for my taste.

2# Monsuno, a TV show, premiered last light and it was awesome, but a favorite character didn't get a Monsuno yet.

3#  I've always thought of myself as a "hero" type of person. I think I have a knack for putting Jesus and others first, and can't quite understand why people are soooo evil sometimes. (Like Mom making me do Algebra for example)

4# I just don't really like math. I seem to be good at it but it's just confusing.

5# I like writing random stuff like this

6# My main Beyblade for now is Earth Striker, with a Special Move, Oblivion Beam

7# I like defense type Beyblades best.

8# Club Penguin's Pirate Quest lacked quite a bit.

9#  Friday night is "Cell Group" night for us, a bunch of people come to our house for a tiny "Sermon" and prayer requests.

#10 I can recite all three Ben10 theme songs, and I'm a Ben10 "Fan" (Kind of, not exactly) yet Ben can be absolutely obnoxious and we go "Whaaaat?" whenever he is. Weird? Yes.

#11  My sister and I have saved the world from an angry Polar Bear named Herbert and his pet crab Klutzy on more than 3 occasions. That's all I can tell you. I'm sworn to secrecy by an organization called the EP- LOST TRANSMISSION! ERROR! POTATO SALAD NOT AUTHORIZED! DOOOOT!

#12 There is a ninja right behind you. Made you look!

#13 I don't like the dark. At. All. I don't know why, I just get creeped out even though Jesus is right there.

#14 My sister plays violin and I play guitar

#15 Did you know, (okay, now you do)  I have had numerous pre-Cristainty Savers stories over the years. In fact, I can't remember my first version, except it had a little diamond-like sporemon and three bad guys wanting to turn the sporemon into cards.

#16 I am known in my household to make up stories like that. Huh, I wonder why?

#17 I'm almost done with this list

#18 The Weego, Dorito Baby, and Aliens at H-E-B were my favorite Super bowl Commercials.            

#19 I'm almost done with this list.

#20 I'm done with this list! (Mom says I cheated. *heh heh*)

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