On the Porch of the house

On the Porch of the house

Friday, February 3, 2012

The Water Type

continued from the Fire Type

Sara Mills, hair combed, teeth brushed, and in her pajamas, sat on her bed looking at her Monipedia. She was scanning the new Evo archive for information on where the four sporemon were hiding. All it said was information about the creatures, not their locations, but she was determined to get some kind of clue to their whereabouts. She read "The Aptarix sporemon's unique hypnotising ability lies in it's strange spiral eyes. It can use the move Mayhem Minion to take hold of other sporemon. It also has powerful fiery attacks." for the hundtreth time.

Sara yawned, switched off her "Lamp", or the closest thing to a lamp on Thrae, shut her Monipedia, and prayed for a dream to tell her where any of the sporemon were.

A Searay swam in the murky water of the Epuladaug River, skimming the bottom. Suddenly the searay's bulb on it's head lit up and swam away. That was the only thing that saved it from being lunch. The Icthomon, the water Evol type, woke from it's sleep and snapped it's jaws at the searay, but the little fish was smaller and faster than it was.

The fish-like sporemon climbed out of the water and sunned itself on a warm rock. It's fins dangled uselessly from it's tail, because of now, it was on land. Could the Christianity Savers help stop this beast before he ate all there was in the lake? You probably hope so, don't you?


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