On the Porch of the house

On the Porch of the house

Friday, August 31, 2012

Party central

I'm turning 15 in three days. So last night, I had a pool party.  I didn't ask for presents, but for blankets and stuff for the nursing home where my Great-grandfather had stayed. The party was a blast.

Everyone complained about how cold the water was at first. Then we just swam around and swapped jokes. Well, as good a jokes as homeschoolers know, anyway. Then we played keep-away with a small, plastic beach ball, and squirted each other with water guns. It didn't seem like 2 and a half hours, but it was. I think everyone had a lot of fun.

After all that swimming Mom fed all us hungry vultures some Reeses cake.

I have to tell you about the cake. Earlier that day Mom made an ice cream cake and put it in the freezer. Then when we had everything together and were just about to head out the door, Mom went to get her cake.

This is what we found:

SO..... we went to Wal-mart and got a Reeses Peanutbutter Cup cake. It tasted exactly like a Reese's peanut butter cup! Everyone loved it. We also had cookies and potato chips. The bad thing about that is we have three, half-full bags of chips at our house. They aren't going to eat themselves.

After the party we drove some friends home, then we went home ourselves and crashed.  If you attended and are reading this, Thank you for coming and being so much fun! God bless your week! (Even if you weren't there!)        

Friday, August 24, 2012


We boys are weird. We spend 9 years (or more) pestering girls, then we want that special relationship that we'll have for the rest of our lives. Now at I am almost 15, I'm wondering. "Who is she? What does she look like? How soon will I met her?" The most agonizing thing about it is.... I just don't know yet. I'm trying to become a man that God, and a girl, would want.

 I know God has something planned. I mean, I was in the Hospital for 3 1/2 months, and the only thing that really came out of it is I have glasses, (But I may have been born that way anyway) and I spin tops made of plastic and metal. I still have my brains, etc. and I am WAY thankful for that. So I know God will give me an amazing girl as well.

One thing I can't understand is why people have babies, then leave for another girl, to have babies with her. I want a relationship for the relationship! Not her body! God made Eve because Adam was lonely, not just strictly for pleasure. I'd like someone to listen to, and someone to listen to me. I'd like someone to just hang out with. I mean, sure she'll probably be pretty, but it's the PERSONALITY that counts! God judges by our hearts, not our looks. I'm not overlooking looks, but I'm saying, looks aren't everything. Someday, we'll look at this generation and shake our heads with disgust.

I don't know who she is, but I know He does. And that comforting. The only problem is... I'd like to know too!

Thank you for reading my thoughts, it's a blessing!  


Wednesday, August 22, 2012


continued from: Together again?

The Mills family and Charles were eating dinner together in their dining room.

"Wow, Mrs. Mills," Sam said, "this spaghetti is really good."

"Thank you. Kay told me about this earth dish, and I figured I'd try. Of course, Sara did most of the cooking." Mrs. Mills motioned to Sara.

"I'm not that good..." Sara said sheepishly.

"Are you kidding? This stuff is the best. I bet with Apatobront, you get all the herbs you need to cook with," Ali said.

"Some of them. Thank you," Sara explained.

Sam didn't know what was bothering her. She had been quiet all afternoon.

Suddenly, Alaina slammed her fork down. "I just don't know what happened, Ali! You're so.... changed. You're the happiest I've seen you. What happened?" Alaina asked.

Ali smiled " An amazing, wonderful thing happened to me. I was saved by Christ."

Alaina asked about Him, and how to get saved, just like Grandfather had planned to get Ali back.  Even though Ali was worse than they feared. 

 While the commotion with Ali and Alaina was going on, Sara motioned to Sam to follow her to the Sporemon pens out back.

"I don't know how to thank you for saving me from faling off that cliff ..." she started.

Sam replied "Don't worry. Jesus is the one who really saved you.I followed you because I felt you needed help. God has always spoken to me with feelings."

They rounded a hill and saw an awesome, golden sunset. Sara remembered the night that they had teamed up. She remembered she said something about draining the worries of the day. She would try to untangle her mind.

"It's beautiful." She whispered.

"Yea," Sam agreed. "I'm glad I have such a good friend like you, Sara."

Sara smiled, and as they walked back up to the house, she felt lighter. Maybe with the other Charles, they could help their Grandfather see the Light of Christ.

To be continued......

Thursday, August 16, 2012

15 random things

1. We went to Six Flags this summer, which was AWESOME! I rode the Ferris wheel and a log ride that went faster then I normally like. I still won't do roller coasters, but it's a start.

2. I have a YouTube account if you want to see it, my username is Jayblade2000. I mostly do Beyblade stuff (spinning tops made of metal and plastic) but I will try to branch out.

3. I want to tell you to pray for Firefly, because her best friend, Mustang, moved to Bryan. She would appreciate that.

4. I don't know about you, but every time they discover some new creature, or I find out about an awesome creature I've never seen before, or learn a new thing about a creature, I think about how awesome my God is. How amazing is this planet? The One who created me, you, and everyone else, created these creatures from His own imagination. WOW!

5. I have found a new series of books called the Dragons in our Midst. I'm afraid I forget the author's name, so I'm sorry. The first book is called Raising Dragons. They are Christian and very exciting, if you want to read them.

6. I'm am at that stage where I'm in between being an "adult" and a "child". It may be very frustrating, but God will show me His way. I'm trying to grow up but I don't want to be totally swamped with grown-up responsibility too early either. I sometimes feel I'm juggling! But with God's help, I can do anything,

7. I'm trying to branch out and do a genre that I haven't done before in my stories. Sports. I came up with an idea I call "Base" as in Baseball. So I've got some research to do.

8. Thanks for reading my story. I wanted to get it out somehow, and blogging helped. I hope you enjoy it, because, let's face it, it's pretty weird.

9. I won't use excuses and say stuff like "I'm almost done with this list" this time.

10. The greatest super hero of all time is Jesus. He has the power to do God's will, and through God's power, He saved everyone of us. What an awesome superpower!

11. A few friends won't be joining me for a birthday party later this month, and I'm a little sad about that. Don't worry, guys, I'll save some cake for you!

12. Algebra looks hard, but once you understand how some of it works, it's fairly easy. Emphasis on fairly.

13. I don't know why, but I can't sit still watching TV. I HAVE to do something. Spin a Beyblade, look though trading cards, draw, something! I've always been that way for some reason.

14. My sister is crazy. Okay, you probably all have crazy siblings, but she is still very crazy. Don't get me wrong I love my sister dearly, I just think she's crazier than me.

15. This is the last thing on the list, so I can tell you, I'll be turning 15 Sept. 3rd.                    

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Together again?

Finally continued from Reassurance.

Three kids raced though the forest chasing a giant green dragonfly.

"Apatabront, Tree Stomp!" Sara said. Apatabront leaped ahead and pushed its front feet into the ground. Again trees, all in a row, like a staircase, came up from the ground. They were headed toward Drafly, but it swerved, and went sideways.

"Yes!" Sam cried, happy that the move worked. Then he knew something wasn't right, and raced after Sara in the direction the Sporemon dodged.

In a small clearing on the edge of a cliff, Sara and Apatabront stood ready. Drafly knew he was caught, but wouldn't give up without a fight. It beat its wings so fast it stirred up the wind, pushing Sara off the cliff!

"Lord, HELP!" Sara yelled.

A hand grabbed hers. Sam was bending over the cliff, holding on to Sara to keep her from falling.

"I got a feeling you needed help, so I followed you. God works in mysterious ways, I guess," Sam said, pulling Sara to safety.

"Thanks," she said.

A loud meowing brought them back to their mission. Caterwaller's claws flashed in the sunlight, and smashed into the Evol. It went down, but Lighting's Battery Recharge move finished it.

"Are you okay?" Ali asked.

"I'm fine, thanks to Sam."

Kay ran over.

 "Yes, I'm fine!" Sara said, not even giving Kay a chance to ask. They all laughed. Then something in the bushes made a sound.

"Lugmon-" Sam never got a chance.

"Wait, don't! We're on your side!"

"I know that voice," Ali said.  "Alaina?"

Three kids stepped out from the thicket. One had a backwards baseball cap, one had a skull on his shirt, and one had a very short shirt.

 "What are you guys doing here?" Ali asked.

To be continued.....