On the Porch of the house

On the Porch of the house

Friday, August 31, 2012

Party central

I'm turning 15 in three days. So last night, I had a pool party.  I didn't ask for presents, but for blankets and stuff for the nursing home where my Great-grandfather had stayed. The party was a blast.

Everyone complained about how cold the water was at first. Then we just swam around and swapped jokes. Well, as good a jokes as homeschoolers know, anyway. Then we played keep-away with a small, plastic beach ball, and squirted each other with water guns. It didn't seem like 2 and a half hours, but it was. I think everyone had a lot of fun.

After all that swimming Mom fed all us hungry vultures some Reeses cake.

I have to tell you about the cake. Earlier that day Mom made an ice cream cake and put it in the freezer. Then when we had everything together and were just about to head out the door, Mom went to get her cake.

This is what we found:

SO..... we went to Wal-mart and got a Reeses Peanutbutter Cup cake. It tasted exactly like a Reese's peanut butter cup! Everyone loved it. We also had cookies and potato chips. The bad thing about that is we have three, half-full bags of chips at our house. They aren't going to eat themselves.

After the party we drove some friends home, then we went home ourselves and crashed.  If you attended and are reading this, Thank you for coming and being so much fun! God bless your week! (Even if you weren't there!)        

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