On the Porch of the house

On the Porch of the house

Friday, December 28, 2012

The End?

continued from The Light of His Word

"Hey, Guys!" Ali ran to the rest of the group "I found some Bibles in the ruins of your home, I think they can help us beat this guy." Mr. Mills stared in wonder.

"It's my Bible collection." He said. Sara wiped her tears away.

"So.... our house got destroyed.... so we could find these Bibles and save the universe? It's a miracle!

Mrs. Mills smiled at her daughter. It was great to see a smile on her face, even in the midst of tragedy. An earthquake shook the ground, and a yellow hole in the sky appeared.

"We need to stop him, now!" Kay said.

Sam pulled out his Bible from his case on his belt. "Then let's do it," Sam said and held up the Bible up to the creature. There was no effect. Kay took one and held it up. The Mills each grabbed one and held it up, and so did the Charles, even Grandfather. They each held a Bible, up, each member surrounded the big Evo type. A white glow spread throughout the Bibles, and a white stream blasted at Evomon. The creature put its hands on it's head, like it had a huge headache. It sank to its knees and let out a loud, long roar.

"It's working!" Sara cried.

"We are the ones who, even when the sun doesn't shine, even if it seems we are falling into darkness, even when we fell like we're worthless, we will trust in Christ!" Sam said.

"I know He's real, now, and so can you, Evomon!" Ali said.

"Please! I wanted to help you sporemon so much, and now I am!" Sara said.

The creature covered his eyes with his hands, trying to block the light. It was useless against God's truth. The creature roared one last time and said, "Jesus.... Christ.....is ..... LORD!" The white light shot out and the Christainity Savers had to shield their eyes. When the light subsided, four creatures, now pure with Christ's blood, stood. The Saver's sporemon ran to them, and played with them, chasing them around. They were welcoming their new creatures for Christ.

A week later, Sam and Kay looked down at Lugmon and Lightning, with tearful eyes. It was time to leave for Earth. They each hunched down and embraced their sporemon one last time.

"We'll never forget you." They said.

Sara, embraced them both. "And I'll never forget the friends who helped save our planet. I'll see you again ... someday." Sara turned and exchanged winks with her father. Something was up, but Sam and Kay, had no idea what. They turned and faced the blue portal, their ticket home. They jumped through and were back on Earth.

Sam's Dad opened the doors to the church. "It's time," he said. "But there's someone I want you two to meet." Sam and Kay went into the foyer.

"Meet the Mills family." Sam's dad said.

There they were. Sara and her mother looked beautiful in their matching blue dresses, and her dad looked dapper in his suit. The families choose the same isle.

"Dad said God wanted us to come live here. I got the Charles looking after the store. Besides, my best friend is on Earth." Sara whispered in Sam's ear. Sam looked at Sara and they both smiled. The congregation stood up to sing.

"Amazing grace, how sweet the sound,
That saved a wretch, like me.
I once was lost,
But now, I am found.
Was blind, but now I see."

Kay, Sam and Sara thought about Ali, the girl that started the whole problem, and saved the whole universe. They knew the reason God had sent them to Threa. He sent them to learn that the most unchangeable, unforgivable, person can change, when shown the mercy and love of Christ, our Savior.

THE END?         

Friday, December 21, 2012


If He was a king, nations would have bowed before Him. If He was a nobleman, Palm Sunday would be wherever He was arriving. If He was a high priest, nearly everyone would have believed.

But He didn't come high and mighty, strong, and powerful, commanding and great. He came as a baby. A slobbering, cooing, baby who eats mush and needs a diaper change every 5 seconds. Why would someone so powerful and huge, come as a baby, in a smelly barn laying an a feeding trough?

It was to show us how to be humble servants. He could have chosen to be a king, or nobleman, or priest, but He came as a baby. Just like with washing the disciple's feet, He became a baby to show how we also, should humble ourselves. Sometimes, being humble is harder than almost anything else.

But nothing is impossible with God, so if you ask Him to help you become more humble, then He will do it.

Presents are fun, but this year, we should be humbled that Christ, our savoir, most powerful being in the cosmos, came out of unconditional love, one night, as one of the most amazing, humbling creatures on planet Earth.(And Threa)  A baby.

And yes, I am doing fillers because my Christianity Savers is almost done, But every Christmas, I'm sure humbled about the sacrifice He made for me!

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Eternal Love

Last night, I was doing the dishes with Firefly and was telling her I hope some girls in our Homeschool group looked past the glasses and Beyblades, and other weird stuff and find out how cool I am. She profoundly said "I bet the girls are thinking the same thing." It blew me away. I knew they did, but it was subconcious.

I think we're all like that. We all want to be liked, no matter how weird we are. I know my family loves me dearly and will continue to do so, but I'm at that stage where I'm looking for someone else. And if something happens, I might lose whoever it is and it's going to hurt. Big time. But there is One who will help ease the pain with love so mighty, it purged all my sin.  

"I have told you these things so that in Me you may have peace. You will have suffering in this world. Be courageous! I have conquered the world." John 16:33 (Holman Standard Bible) He never said we wouldn't have pain, but He will come and take it away, and give me the power I need to forgive her. No one has hurt me yet, but if someone does, I'm willing to forgive. It might be hard, but I can look back and see all the things He has done for me and marvel at His plan.

And this isn't just about "love", if someone has hurt you bad recently, I urge you to pray for the power to forgive them, and focus on God's eternal love. This Christmas season is ALL about the love He gave. Shouldn't His followers show the same love? 

Thursday, December 13, 2012

The Light of His Word

continued from The Threat

 Sam ran toward Evomon, a huge, black, dragon-like sporemon, hovering above what was once the four Evo type structures.

"Lugmon, Lava Blazer!" Sam shouted. Lugmon reared up, and shot a fireball 3 times larger than normal at Evomon. The fireball exploded between the Evo type's shoulder blades. It turned around, it's red eyes glowing.

"Insignificant!" it bellowed, and produced a huge ball of energy in it's palm. It shot the energy ball at Sam's feet, knocking him and Lugmon backwards.

"Are you okay?" Kay asked Sam. Sam sat up and rubbed his head.

"Yeah, I'm fine. It just disoriented me."

The others launched attack after attack at the huge sporemon, but every attack failed. Sam stood up.

"Enough!" he yelled. Something flared up inside Sam. It was the Holy Spirit. Sam closed his eyes and whispered, "Thank you for giving me strength." Sam ran to the others, Lugmon right behind. "With Christ, anything's possible, even your defeat!" Sam pointed at Evomon. "You can't even match a third of His power. Please surge through me, Jesus! Lugmon, once more! Lugmon, Lavablazer!" Lugmon jumped into the air, did a summersalt, and blasted the biggest fireball he could muster. The fireball hit Evomon right in the chest, but the powerful blast only made the creature stagger.

"You will pay for that, Human!" Evomon cried and hurled a big ball of energy at the Mill's house, destroying it.

"No!" Sara cried. Her mom put a hand on her shoulder, and her father carressed her hair.

Sam just stared wide-eyed. " I didn't mean to..."

A sound of a blast interrupted Sam, Evomon had thrown an energy ball at Ali and Catterwaler. "Auuurh!" Ali cried as she fell backwards. She looked around the Mill's estate, now a battleground. She saw something under a board. She reached out and grabbed it.

"A Bible?" Ali asked. Then she closed her eyes and a smile spread across her lips. The Light of His word would win the day.

To be continued..... (and yes, I'm almost done.)    

Friday, December 7, 2012

The Threat

continued from Grandfather

Sara looked at Ali. She'd never seen Ali so happy. Her grandfather had hooked her arm in his and was swinging them both in wide arcs. Alaina rode piggyback on Grandfather's shoulders, messing up his already unruly hair. Josh and Joe took turns holding their grandfather's hand, smiling all the while. Kay was skipping along the path with Lightning, because she was too happy for the Charles family she couldn't possibly slow down to walk.

"Oh, no!" Grandfather cried as he looked toward Pithicus, being brought to the Mill's zoo on a stretcher, glowed yellow. "How could I forget today's date! It's my conference!"

Ali gulped. "Then that means...."

With a mighty heave the roof from Evol type enclosures flew off, and yellow energy poured out. Pithius was gone, and a huge, 50-foot, black dragon-like sporemon appeared hovering above where the roof had just been. Grandfather ran to the sporemon, waving his arms. "Evomon, I am your creator, and there is one who has created me. Come, and let me teach you about Him!"
The sporemon talked with a fierce, deep voice. "I am created? NO. I am too perfect to be created. I have evolved four sporemon into one sentient being, and now, once Earth is here, I will bring about the ultimate sporemon evolution! Portal Gap!" With that the sporemon spread his clawed hands and a round yellow ball appeared, in its center, an image of a city.

"That's Earth," Kay cried. "It's New York!"

Sara realized what was going on.

"He's trying to merge Threa and Earth, overstepping the boundaries God put between our worlds. This is a universal disaster!" Sara whispered.

Sam pumped his fist. "We can't give up now! We've come so far. God sent us here for a reason, and this is it. We're Christainity Savers. We have creatures for Christ. If God is for us, who can stand against us? I say we give it all we've got, we can't let Him down after He sent us on this mission." A triumphant look was in his eyes. Sam and Lugmon dashed off toward Evomon.

The others followed, yelling their battle cry all the way "CREATURES FOR CHRIST!" They all were ready to do God's will.

To be continued.....