On the Porch of the house

On the Porch of the house

Friday, December 21, 2012


If He was a king, nations would have bowed before Him. If He was a nobleman, Palm Sunday would be wherever He was arriving. If He was a high priest, nearly everyone would have believed.

But He didn't come high and mighty, strong, and powerful, commanding and great. He came as a baby. A slobbering, cooing, baby who eats mush and needs a diaper change every 5 seconds. Why would someone so powerful and huge, come as a baby, in a smelly barn laying an a feeding trough?

It was to show us how to be humble servants. He could have chosen to be a king, or nobleman, or priest, but He came as a baby. Just like with washing the disciple's feet, He became a baby to show how we also, should humble ourselves. Sometimes, being humble is harder than almost anything else.

But nothing is impossible with God, so if you ask Him to help you become more humble, then He will do it.

Presents are fun, but this year, we should be humbled that Christ, our savoir, most powerful being in the cosmos, came out of unconditional love, one night, as one of the most amazing, humbling creatures on planet Earth.(And Threa)  A baby.

And yes, I am doing fillers because my Christianity Savers is almost done, But every Christmas, I'm sure humbled about the sacrifice He made for me!

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