On the Porch of the house

On the Porch of the house

Friday, December 7, 2012

The Threat

continued from Grandfather

Sara looked at Ali. She'd never seen Ali so happy. Her grandfather had hooked her arm in his and was swinging them both in wide arcs. Alaina rode piggyback on Grandfather's shoulders, messing up his already unruly hair. Josh and Joe took turns holding their grandfather's hand, smiling all the while. Kay was skipping along the path with Lightning, because she was too happy for the Charles family she couldn't possibly slow down to walk.

"Oh, no!" Grandfather cried as he looked toward Pithicus, being brought to the Mill's zoo on a stretcher, glowed yellow. "How could I forget today's date! It's my conference!"

Ali gulped. "Then that means...."

With a mighty heave the roof from Evol type enclosures flew off, and yellow energy poured out. Pithius was gone, and a huge, 50-foot, black dragon-like sporemon appeared hovering above where the roof had just been. Grandfather ran to the sporemon, waving his arms. "Evomon, I am your creator, and there is one who has created me. Come, and let me teach you about Him!"
The sporemon talked with a fierce, deep voice. "I am created? NO. I am too perfect to be created. I have evolved four sporemon into one sentient being, and now, once Earth is here, I will bring about the ultimate sporemon evolution! Portal Gap!" With that the sporemon spread his clawed hands and a round yellow ball appeared, in its center, an image of a city.

"That's Earth," Kay cried. "It's New York!"

Sara realized what was going on.

"He's trying to merge Threa and Earth, overstepping the boundaries God put between our worlds. This is a universal disaster!" Sara whispered.

Sam pumped his fist. "We can't give up now! We've come so far. God sent us here for a reason, and this is it. We're Christainity Savers. We have creatures for Christ. If God is for us, who can stand against us? I say we give it all we've got, we can't let Him down after He sent us on this mission." A triumphant look was in his eyes. Sam and Lugmon dashed off toward Evomon.

The others followed, yelling their battle cry all the way "CREATURES FOR CHRIST!" They all were ready to do God's will.

To be continued.....   

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