On the Porch of the house

On the Porch of the house

Friday, December 28, 2012

The End?

continued from The Light of His Word

"Hey, Guys!" Ali ran to the rest of the group "I found some Bibles in the ruins of your home, I think they can help us beat this guy." Mr. Mills stared in wonder.

"It's my Bible collection." He said. Sara wiped her tears away.

"So.... our house got destroyed.... so we could find these Bibles and save the universe? It's a miracle!

Mrs. Mills smiled at her daughter. It was great to see a smile on her face, even in the midst of tragedy. An earthquake shook the ground, and a yellow hole in the sky appeared.

"We need to stop him, now!" Kay said.

Sam pulled out his Bible from his case on his belt. "Then let's do it," Sam said and held up the Bible up to the creature. There was no effect. Kay took one and held it up. The Mills each grabbed one and held it up, and so did the Charles, even Grandfather. They each held a Bible, up, each member surrounded the big Evo type. A white glow spread throughout the Bibles, and a white stream blasted at Evomon. The creature put its hands on it's head, like it had a huge headache. It sank to its knees and let out a loud, long roar.

"It's working!" Sara cried.

"We are the ones who, even when the sun doesn't shine, even if it seems we are falling into darkness, even when we fell like we're worthless, we will trust in Christ!" Sam said.

"I know He's real, now, and so can you, Evomon!" Ali said.

"Please! I wanted to help you sporemon so much, and now I am!" Sara said.

The creature covered his eyes with his hands, trying to block the light. It was useless against God's truth. The creature roared one last time and said, "Jesus.... Christ.....is ..... LORD!" The white light shot out and the Christainity Savers had to shield their eyes. When the light subsided, four creatures, now pure with Christ's blood, stood. The Saver's sporemon ran to them, and played with them, chasing them around. They were welcoming their new creatures for Christ.

A week later, Sam and Kay looked down at Lugmon and Lightning, with tearful eyes. It was time to leave for Earth. They each hunched down and embraced their sporemon one last time.

"We'll never forget you." They said.

Sara, embraced them both. "And I'll never forget the friends who helped save our planet. I'll see you again ... someday." Sara turned and exchanged winks with her father. Something was up, but Sam and Kay, had no idea what. They turned and faced the blue portal, their ticket home. They jumped through and were back on Earth.

Sam's Dad opened the doors to the church. "It's time," he said. "But there's someone I want you two to meet." Sam and Kay went into the foyer.

"Meet the Mills family." Sam's dad said.

There they were. Sara and her mother looked beautiful in their matching blue dresses, and her dad looked dapper in his suit. The families choose the same isle.

"Dad said God wanted us to come live here. I got the Charles looking after the store. Besides, my best friend is on Earth." Sara whispered in Sam's ear. Sam looked at Sara and they both smiled. The congregation stood up to sing.

"Amazing grace, how sweet the sound,
That saved a wretch, like me.
I once was lost,
But now, I am found.
Was blind, but now I see."

Kay, Sam and Sara thought about Ali, the girl that started the whole problem, and saved the whole universe. They knew the reason God had sent them to Threa. He sent them to learn that the most unchangeable, unforgivable, person can change, when shown the mercy and love of Christ, our Savior.

THE END?         

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