On the Porch of the house

On the Porch of the house

Friday, January 6, 2012

Best Friends Battle

continued from A Big Problem

Sara cupped her hands around her mouth and yelled "All right! Let's start! Kay, you go first!" Kay looked as ready as she could be.

"Battery Recharge!" Kay cried and Lightning jumped into the air, lightning shooting off in all directions.

"Whoa!" Sam yelped "Dodge it, Blaze!" Sam's Lugmon dodged most of them, but one clumsy step got him shocked.

"Are you okay, Blaze?" Sam asked. Blaze stood up, and growled his appreciation.

"Like I said," Sara called, "Sporemon don't really get hurt, but they can get knocked out. The K.O. doesn't last for very long, though. To knock out a sporemon, drain it's health. It sounds mean, but the Sporemon seem to think battles are fun, like humans!"  

Sam was thinking about the battle.

"Lightning, move around in a tight circle!" Kay said, and Lighting dashed off headed straight for Lugmon.

Sam was still thinking, "Kay is trying to surround Blaze so he doesn't have any space to move. But Lightning is a target coming at Blaze! That's It!"

"Blaze, Lava Blaster!"

Blaze opened his jaw wide, like he was biting something, and a yellow-orange glow came from his mouth. A mighty ball of lava spewed from his mouth, but Lightning dodged it, and did her Battery Recharge.

The friendly competition was over. Kay had won. Sam congratulated her and Lighting, and went to heal Blaze.

When he came back, Sara explained "The sporemon and the owner have to be a team in battle. One gives commands, one follows. If they are not in sync, they lose. Sometimes, it's like an analogy for listening to God. If we don't follow his word, we'll lose the race we are set to run."

"That's a good description of it. Do you think God put the urge to battle in these creatures to demonstrate that?" Sam wondered.

And the three friends went to Sara's house, to rest for tomorrow's search for the four Evol types.       


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