On the Porch of the house

On the Porch of the house

Friday, January 13, 2012

The Team Has Formed

Continued from: Best Friends Battle  

 Sam, Kay and Sara stood on a hill looking at a clear, starry night sky.

"Wow," Kay murmured " Look at all those stars!"

"Yea." Sam replied, amazed. "You haven't spoken for a while, Sara. Is something wrong?"

"No, no, I just come here every night and just think. Sometimes, it's good to clean your head of all the worries of the day, and look up at the sky." She stretched her arms wide and breathed in the sweet night air. "Just think of all those stars, God named each and every one." Sara said as she gazed off into the inky sky.
"Also, He knew our names from the beginning of time. Do you think He made us all meet so we could stop the four sporemon from destroying their own race?" Sam said. Then added as an afterthought "I always wanted an adventure like this. And now, it's come. I don't know for sure, but I think we met because we are supposed to be a team and stop them all together."

Sara and Kay, both in unison, cried "Yeah!"

"But," Sam said "We need a name. What should it be?"

"I know!" Sara exclaimed. "If Dr. Charles finds how to reverse the portal gun, he may invite those four sporemon to your world. If he should gain enough credit, and if most of the Christians give up on your world, like they did here after Dr. Charles' Evo Machine blew, we could witness the end of Christianity! Yeah.... It's a tiny bit far fetched, but it could happen. How about: The Christianity Savers?" 

"Definitely!" Sam said.

"Count Lightning and me in, too!" Kay exclaimed. "Hands in, everyone!"

They each put one hand over one anothers' and the new team was born! 


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