On the Porch of the house

On the Porch of the house

Friday, December 28, 2012

The End?

continued from The Light of His Word

"Hey, Guys!" Ali ran to the rest of the group "I found some Bibles in the ruins of your home, I think they can help us beat this guy." Mr. Mills stared in wonder.

"It's my Bible collection." He said. Sara wiped her tears away.

"So.... our house got destroyed.... so we could find these Bibles and save the universe? It's a miracle!

Mrs. Mills smiled at her daughter. It was great to see a smile on her face, even in the midst of tragedy. An earthquake shook the ground, and a yellow hole in the sky appeared.

"We need to stop him, now!" Kay said.

Sam pulled out his Bible from his case on his belt. "Then let's do it," Sam said and held up the Bible up to the creature. There was no effect. Kay took one and held it up. The Mills each grabbed one and held it up, and so did the Charles, even Grandfather. They each held a Bible, up, each member surrounded the big Evo type. A white glow spread throughout the Bibles, and a white stream blasted at Evomon. The creature put its hands on it's head, like it had a huge headache. It sank to its knees and let out a loud, long roar.

"It's working!" Sara cried.

"We are the ones who, even when the sun doesn't shine, even if it seems we are falling into darkness, even when we fell like we're worthless, we will trust in Christ!" Sam said.

"I know He's real, now, and so can you, Evomon!" Ali said.

"Please! I wanted to help you sporemon so much, and now I am!" Sara said.

The creature covered his eyes with his hands, trying to block the light. It was useless against God's truth. The creature roared one last time and said, "Jesus.... Christ.....is ..... LORD!" The white light shot out and the Christainity Savers had to shield their eyes. When the light subsided, four creatures, now pure with Christ's blood, stood. The Saver's sporemon ran to them, and played with them, chasing them around. They were welcoming their new creatures for Christ.

A week later, Sam and Kay looked down at Lugmon and Lightning, with tearful eyes. It was time to leave for Earth. They each hunched down and embraced their sporemon one last time.

"We'll never forget you." They said.

Sara, embraced them both. "And I'll never forget the friends who helped save our planet. I'll see you again ... someday." Sara turned and exchanged winks with her father. Something was up, but Sam and Kay, had no idea what. They turned and faced the blue portal, their ticket home. They jumped through and were back on Earth.

Sam's Dad opened the doors to the church. "It's time," he said. "But there's someone I want you two to meet." Sam and Kay went into the foyer.

"Meet the Mills family." Sam's dad said.

There they were. Sara and her mother looked beautiful in their matching blue dresses, and her dad looked dapper in his suit. The families choose the same isle.

"Dad said God wanted us to come live here. I got the Charles looking after the store. Besides, my best friend is on Earth." Sara whispered in Sam's ear. Sam looked at Sara and they both smiled. The congregation stood up to sing.

"Amazing grace, how sweet the sound,
That saved a wretch, like me.
I once was lost,
But now, I am found.
Was blind, but now I see."

Kay, Sam and Sara thought about Ali, the girl that started the whole problem, and saved the whole universe. They knew the reason God had sent them to Threa. He sent them to learn that the most unchangeable, unforgivable, person can change, when shown the mercy and love of Christ, our Savior.

THE END?         

Friday, December 21, 2012


If He was a king, nations would have bowed before Him. If He was a nobleman, Palm Sunday would be wherever He was arriving. If He was a high priest, nearly everyone would have believed.

But He didn't come high and mighty, strong, and powerful, commanding and great. He came as a baby. A slobbering, cooing, baby who eats mush and needs a diaper change every 5 seconds. Why would someone so powerful and huge, come as a baby, in a smelly barn laying an a feeding trough?

It was to show us how to be humble servants. He could have chosen to be a king, or nobleman, or priest, but He came as a baby. Just like with washing the disciple's feet, He became a baby to show how we also, should humble ourselves. Sometimes, being humble is harder than almost anything else.

But nothing is impossible with God, so if you ask Him to help you become more humble, then He will do it.

Presents are fun, but this year, we should be humbled that Christ, our savoir, most powerful being in the cosmos, came out of unconditional love, one night, as one of the most amazing, humbling creatures on planet Earth.(And Threa)  A baby.

And yes, I am doing fillers because my Christianity Savers is almost done, But every Christmas, I'm sure humbled about the sacrifice He made for me!

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Eternal Love

Last night, I was doing the dishes with Firefly and was telling her I hope some girls in our Homeschool group looked past the glasses and Beyblades, and other weird stuff and find out how cool I am. She profoundly said "I bet the girls are thinking the same thing." It blew me away. I knew they did, but it was subconcious.

I think we're all like that. We all want to be liked, no matter how weird we are. I know my family loves me dearly and will continue to do so, but I'm at that stage where I'm looking for someone else. And if something happens, I might lose whoever it is and it's going to hurt. Big time. But there is One who will help ease the pain with love so mighty, it purged all my sin.  

"I have told you these things so that in Me you may have peace. You will have suffering in this world. Be courageous! I have conquered the world." John 16:33 (Holman Standard Bible) He never said we wouldn't have pain, but He will come and take it away, and give me the power I need to forgive her. No one has hurt me yet, but if someone does, I'm willing to forgive. It might be hard, but I can look back and see all the things He has done for me and marvel at His plan.

And this isn't just about "love", if someone has hurt you bad recently, I urge you to pray for the power to forgive them, and focus on God's eternal love. This Christmas season is ALL about the love He gave. Shouldn't His followers show the same love? 

Thursday, December 13, 2012

The Light of His Word

continued from The Threat

 Sam ran toward Evomon, a huge, black, dragon-like sporemon, hovering above what was once the four Evo type structures.

"Lugmon, Lava Blazer!" Sam shouted. Lugmon reared up, and shot a fireball 3 times larger than normal at Evomon. The fireball exploded between the Evo type's shoulder blades. It turned around, it's red eyes glowing.

"Insignificant!" it bellowed, and produced a huge ball of energy in it's palm. It shot the energy ball at Sam's feet, knocking him and Lugmon backwards.

"Are you okay?" Kay asked Sam. Sam sat up and rubbed his head.

"Yeah, I'm fine. It just disoriented me."

The others launched attack after attack at the huge sporemon, but every attack failed. Sam stood up.

"Enough!" he yelled. Something flared up inside Sam. It was the Holy Spirit. Sam closed his eyes and whispered, "Thank you for giving me strength." Sam ran to the others, Lugmon right behind. "With Christ, anything's possible, even your defeat!" Sam pointed at Evomon. "You can't even match a third of His power. Please surge through me, Jesus! Lugmon, once more! Lugmon, Lavablazer!" Lugmon jumped into the air, did a summersalt, and blasted the biggest fireball he could muster. The fireball hit Evomon right in the chest, but the powerful blast only made the creature stagger.

"You will pay for that, Human!" Evomon cried and hurled a big ball of energy at the Mill's house, destroying it.

"No!" Sara cried. Her mom put a hand on her shoulder, and her father carressed her hair.

Sam just stared wide-eyed. " I didn't mean to..."

A sound of a blast interrupted Sam, Evomon had thrown an energy ball at Ali and Catterwaler. "Auuurh!" Ali cried as she fell backwards. She looked around the Mill's estate, now a battleground. She saw something under a board. She reached out and grabbed it.

"A Bible?" Ali asked. Then she closed her eyes and a smile spread across her lips. The Light of His word would win the day.

To be continued..... (and yes, I'm almost done.)    

Friday, December 7, 2012

The Threat

continued from Grandfather

Sara looked at Ali. She'd never seen Ali so happy. Her grandfather had hooked her arm in his and was swinging them both in wide arcs. Alaina rode piggyback on Grandfather's shoulders, messing up his already unruly hair. Josh and Joe took turns holding their grandfather's hand, smiling all the while. Kay was skipping along the path with Lightning, because she was too happy for the Charles family she couldn't possibly slow down to walk.

"Oh, no!" Grandfather cried as he looked toward Pithicus, being brought to the Mill's zoo on a stretcher, glowed yellow. "How could I forget today's date! It's my conference!"

Ali gulped. "Then that means...."

With a mighty heave the roof from Evol type enclosures flew off, and yellow energy poured out. Pithius was gone, and a huge, 50-foot, black dragon-like sporemon appeared hovering above where the roof had just been. Grandfather ran to the sporemon, waving his arms. "Evomon, I am your creator, and there is one who has created me. Come, and let me teach you about Him!"
The sporemon talked with a fierce, deep voice. "I am created? NO. I am too perfect to be created. I have evolved four sporemon into one sentient being, and now, once Earth is here, I will bring about the ultimate sporemon evolution! Portal Gap!" With that the sporemon spread his clawed hands and a round yellow ball appeared, in its center, an image of a city.

"That's Earth," Kay cried. "It's New York!"

Sara realized what was going on.

"He's trying to merge Threa and Earth, overstepping the boundaries God put between our worlds. This is a universal disaster!" Sara whispered.

Sam pumped his fist. "We can't give up now! We've come so far. God sent us here for a reason, and this is it. We're Christainity Savers. We have creatures for Christ. If God is for us, who can stand against us? I say we give it all we've got, we can't let Him down after He sent us on this mission." A triumphant look was in his eyes. Sam and Lugmon dashed off toward Evomon.

The others followed, yelling their battle cry all the way "CREATURES FOR CHRIST!" They all were ready to do God's will.

To be continued.....   

Thursday, November 8, 2012


continued from Baptism 

A lone, robed figure struggled up the steep, mountain slope.

"I'm too old for this." the figure muttered. His sporemon, almost invisible because it was white and blended in perfectly in with the landscape, squawked in agreement.

A cave slowly appeared, and the man knew his target was inside. He made a snowball, and threw it into the cave. A thunderous roar came from the cave and a big, brown-furred beast lumbered down the slope toward the figure.

"Peregrine! Go!" The man thrust his arm out and the bird-like sporemon soared above the Pithicus.

"GRANDPA!" the voice was familiar to the man, Alaina's. He turned around to see 7 kids running toward him. The man threw back his hood. Grandfather stood, looking at Pithicus and Peregrine's battle.

"Mega Talon!" Grandfather shouted.

The sporemon's talons on its feet began to glow and it dived towards Pithicus. The Evol type stood on hind legs and roared, but it was too late. Peregrine struck the sporemon, and it was defeated in a single blow.  Grandfather turned to the Christianity Savers.

"How could my own grandchildren betray me?" he asked. Alaina shook her head.

"We didn't betray you, Grandpa, we found truth. Please, come with us. Can we be a family again?" Grandfather looked hurt.

"Truth?" He asked. "My Elisabeth, your grandmother, died! I prayed, and prayed, but did He respond?  NO!"

Ali went and stood between Alaina and Grandfather. "You're my family. Even you, Sara, Sam and Kay. You guys helped me see truth, and I want to thank you for supporting me." Ali got a fierce look in her eyes. "But this is my fight. I'd like this to be between my grandpa and me."

Sam gave her a thumbs up. "It's all you! We'll be praying for you!"

"Peregrine! Beak Dive!" Grandfather said.

Up in the air, the sporemon swerved and came down at Catterwaller. It was too fast. Catterwaller stayed on his feet, but he felt he blow. Ali had to cover her face to shield her from the snow that the attack had kicked up.

Ali looked at Grandfather. "What if Gramdma's time had come? What if she's now in heaven, a better place? Catterwaller, Lightning Claw!" Catterwaller leaped up and slashed at Peregrine, but only manged to clip his tail feathers.

"Science says there is no Heaven," Grandfather replied. "Jesus was a historical figure, but he was never from God!"

Ali stood up straight and looked Grandfather in the eye. She'd always loved her grandfather. He always worked hard, and was responsible. Even now she loved him. That faithful love of Christ, that allows you to love, mixed with the bond family members shared stirred up in her.

"I've seen him Grandpa. He is real. He died for you, and loves you."

Grandfather was taken aback but quickly regained control.

"Go now! Peregrine!" Grandfather shouted and Peregrine swooped down. Ali nodded at Catterwaller. Right as it swooped, Catterwaller jumped, did a somersault, and shoved Peregrine into the snow. Catterwaller stood, lightning sparking on its left claw.

Grandfather sank to his knees. "No one has ever beaten my Peregrine before. I guess.... I was wrong."

Grandfather looked at the four children. "C'mere you four, give your new Grandpa a hug."

They all surrounded Grandfather, and engulfed him.

Sam looked at the heartwarming scene. He then looked at Kay and Sara. Big mistake. They were crying. Sam couldn't help it. He cried tears of joy. At last, the family was back again, and now the threat had ended.

Or had it? In the pens that held the Evol Sporemon, yellow energy surged. The shock waves went out across the zoo, making the animals run for cover. The date on the calender read October 9th, the day the sporemon were programed to strike.

To be continued.......  

Monday, November 5, 2012

Our Move

This month, we moved back out to the middle of nowhere. We used to live in a small town on the edge of the middle of nowhere, and have moved an hour away from it to the middle of nowhere. That's a lot of nowhere! When I was a year old, my Mom and Dad moved out to the Hill Country, and we set up shop until I was about twelve. Then we moved to town. Now I'm fifteen and we've moved back again!

It feels good to be back home, but it sure is different. We have to wake up earlier Sundays, and we have to go to my grandmother's house (who lives in town) for all of Tuesday and Wednesday mornings so we can go to co-op. It's also kind of cool to remember all  the fun things I did here as a kid. Also, we're closer to our OTHER grandparents who live here. Again, it's different, but it's cool to be back here.

In other news, my sister went to regionals and is now the 6th best violin player in the region! Good job, Sis! I always knew you were great at playing the violin. The worst sound in the world is someone who cannot play the violin and insisting on doing so anyways. The best sound in the world is someone who is excellent at playing violin and insisting on doing so anyways. My sister is the latter.   

Thursday, October 11, 2012


continued from Deal or No Deal?

"And in the name of-" Ali Charles was submerged into river water, muffling the words. She came up again, aided by Mr. Mill's strong arm. Sam, Kay, Sara and her brothers and sister, applauded. Ali beamed. She out of the water, dripping and laughing.

"It's really cool they all wanted to be baptized," Kay said " I guess they really have changed."  Kay went down the river bank to congratulate the four siblings. Sam was about to join her when Sara grabbed his arm.

"Um, Sam can I talk to you for a moment?"

"Sure, Sara."

"What you said on the night we had spaghetti, that I was a great friend, what did you mean by that?"

Sam thought for a moment and answered "You're one of my best friends, because you're like a sister," Sam looked at Josh, giving Ali a hug. "My definition of a great friend is someone who is always beside you, helping you through life. A friend is a comrade." Sara smiled. "Plus, sense you're around my age, you can kind of tell me how girls around my age think about boys like me." Sam added.

Sara laughed. " It's a good thing I can tell when you're kidding!"

Suddenly a roar rang out.

"It's coming from the mountains," Mr. Mills said, looking to at a mountain. "But what are those two brown things?"

Josh knew a once. "The first one is the fourth Sporemon, but the second one...."

Alaina finished for him "Grandpa!"      

To be Continued.....

Monday, October 8, 2012

Up a Creek (But with a big paddle!)

 Okay, here's the deal. You're waiting for someone to show up, and you know it's a girl (or in your case, if you're a girl, a boy) but you don't know who. You've been waiting for years. You know it's going to happen, but how? In a thunderclap? With Angels descending? Something subtle?  Or have you missed her (or him) and that person's right under your nose, and God is going to bonk you over the head until you see her? (or him)

Congratulations! You just ran through a third of a teenage boy's mind! It's something you remember, if you're as old as Mom (or dirt!) Or it's something you will go through, or are going through. It feels like you're up a creek without a paddle.

But wait.... I have a big ol' paddle I can pull out at any time! Know what His name is? JESUS! I know He guides everything around me, so why get down in the dumps over something I can't control?  I have a family who loves me and friends who will lend their support. I mean, yes, a certain girl might like me, But what if she's someone else's? Well, we can still be friends. If you're friends, it will save us heart-ache later, and I can be happy for her when she marries or vise versa. 

 God will show me my path. The sky looks gray and cloudy today, but He can make the Sun come out again! So what if I don't know who she is? I mean I'd like to know now, but His timing is perfect. If I don't see her  for another year, it's His timing. I just hope He'll nudge me, if she's right under my nose, instead of  clubbing me over the head. It's not lonely, but it sure isn't easy. But in the meantime, when I'm up a creek, I'll just call on my big  ol' paddle and He'll lead the way.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Deal or No Deal?

continued from:A New Battle 

Ali flinched as Josh slammed the front door behind him.

"Shhhhh! This is between us siblings, can you please keep it down?"

Ali almost rolled her eyes. No, don't, she thought. That was the old Ali, not the new one. She'd never win them to Christ that way. 

Joe shrugged, "Sorry." 

Ali went a little ahead of her brothers and sister and stood ready. Her siblings did the same.

"The deal is: if you three can beat me, I'll gladly go home with you." The other three children burst out laughing.

"All... three of us... at once," Alaina gasped in between breaths.  "No one can beat us three to one, Ali. We have to believe in ourselves, so you can come back." 

Ali shook her head. "It's not just about teamwork, or yourself. I've gotten stronger through Jesus, and He is my power. He is one I believe in. I've seen with my own eyes what He can do."

"Amafist, Super Punch!" Josh called. The big purple sporemon punched the ground sending a big crack though the ground toward Catterwaller. Catterwaller leaped nimbly over it, and silhouetted against the moonlight, came down toward Amifist. Amifist raised it's hands to block, and claws scratched harmlessly.

"Amifist's hands are made of solid Amethyst. You can't hurt him!" Josh said. Suddenly a huge fireball whipped through the air, striking Catterwaller. Magmine and T-Dex stood side-by-side.  "Double Blaster!" Alaina and Joe cried. The two sporemon unleashed a two fireballs, that met and became a new super-huge fireball.

"Ali!" Sara, Sam, and Kay ran over. They knew better then to get in the thick of things. They each held hands and bowed their heads.

With friends praying for me, Ali thought, and Jesus' strength, I won't lose!

Catterwaller dodged the fireball. Both Ali and Catterwaller were tiring out. They breathed hard.

"They're getting tired! Strike for our sister, we want her back!" Josh cried.

Amifist, Magmine, and T-Dex all dove at catterwaller at once.

"Lighting shield!!! Lord, show them your light!" Ali yelled.

A yellow shield incased Catterwaller protecting it from the attack.

"Look!" Alaina pointed.

Ali had a glow around her, pure and white. There was some thing in her eyes. The attack faded and the three sporemon lay, defeated. Then someone stepped from behind Ali. He was dressed in white. The three seemed to realize something, and bowed to the figure.

"Welcome home." He said, smiling.

Then they began to change. Josh's skull on his shirt changed to a cross, Joe's mohawk flattened, and Alaina's shirt covered her waist.

Sam smiled. "Hands in,everyone!" they put their hands in a circle, one on top of another. The new team had formed!

A gnarled fist banged the control panel. "No! They've betrayed me! I guess the last sporemon is MY responsibility!"

To be continued.....   

Monday, September 10, 2012

A New Battle?

Continued from Spaghetti  

"Ali?" "Ali!"

Ali knew that voice, but couldn't place it.

"Grow away" she grumbled sleepily.

Alaina  touched Ali's lamp on her bedside table, or at least what worked like a lamp on Thrae.

Ali sat up. "What's a matter?" she asked, rubbing her eyes.

She looked at the dim room. Ali, Josh and Joe were standing by her bedside.

"We've come to take you home, Ali." Josh said.

Thoughts of her broken home, and her father she never even knew swirled in her head.


In an instant she realized that they had been pretending! They weren't interested  in Christ, they had come to take her back to her grandfather's!

"I have a deal to make, guys." Ali said, going over and petting Caterwaller, to get him to wake up.


"You're a great friend, Sara."

That thought kept hounding Sara Mills, as she lay staring at her ceiling. She knew she couldn't sleep. Not even reading Tears of a Dragon by Brian Davis on her new Kindle (or what they had like a kindle on Threa.) wouldn't help.

The front door slamming interrupted her thoughts. She went over to the window. Ali and Caterwaller stood battle-ready. As were Josh, Joe, Alaina and their sporemon. Something was going on. She had to tell her parents!

To be continued


Tuesday, September 4, 2012


Yesterday was my Birthday. I turned 15, and I am proud of it! I got a new video camera, the third book in the Dragons in our Midst series, (Highly recommended! They are AWESOME! author: Brian Davis) a dinosaur enyclopedia, a manga (Japanese art style) book. A Bey, Forbidden Ionis, a beywheel, Stinger Toxic Scorpio, a Beywheelz staduim, clothes, a watch, and lots of love. I'm glad I have a great family and friends. The birthday cards were great, guys(if you're reading this)!

We hung around the house until around 5:00, when we went to Bonzai!, a Japense steak house. Everything was great. They even cook your food right in front of you! The only draw-back was it was loud. Afterwards, a swim in Nana's pool. It was a great birthday all in all. 

God bless your week!
Creator's son       

Friday, August 31, 2012

Party central

I'm turning 15 in three days. So last night, I had a pool party.  I didn't ask for presents, but for blankets and stuff for the nursing home where my Great-grandfather had stayed. The party was a blast.

Everyone complained about how cold the water was at first. Then we just swam around and swapped jokes. Well, as good a jokes as homeschoolers know, anyway. Then we played keep-away with a small, plastic beach ball, and squirted each other with water guns. It didn't seem like 2 and a half hours, but it was. I think everyone had a lot of fun.

After all that swimming Mom fed all us hungry vultures some Reeses cake.

I have to tell you about the cake. Earlier that day Mom made an ice cream cake and put it in the freezer. Then when we had everything together and were just about to head out the door, Mom went to get her cake.

This is what we found:

SO..... we went to Wal-mart and got a Reeses Peanutbutter Cup cake. It tasted exactly like a Reese's peanut butter cup! Everyone loved it. We also had cookies and potato chips. The bad thing about that is we have three, half-full bags of chips at our house. They aren't going to eat themselves.

After the party we drove some friends home, then we went home ourselves and crashed.  If you attended and are reading this, Thank you for coming and being so much fun! God bless your week! (Even if you weren't there!)        

Friday, August 24, 2012


We boys are weird. We spend 9 years (or more) pestering girls, then we want that special relationship that we'll have for the rest of our lives. Now at I am almost 15, I'm wondering. "Who is she? What does she look like? How soon will I met her?" The most agonizing thing about it is.... I just don't know yet. I'm trying to become a man that God, and a girl, would want.

 I know God has something planned. I mean, I was in the Hospital for 3 1/2 months, and the only thing that really came out of it is I have glasses, (But I may have been born that way anyway) and I spin tops made of plastic and metal. I still have my brains, etc. and I am WAY thankful for that. So I know God will give me an amazing girl as well.

One thing I can't understand is why people have babies, then leave for another girl, to have babies with her. I want a relationship for the relationship! Not her body! God made Eve because Adam was lonely, not just strictly for pleasure. I'd like someone to listen to, and someone to listen to me. I'd like someone to just hang out with. I mean, sure she'll probably be pretty, but it's the PERSONALITY that counts! God judges by our hearts, not our looks. I'm not overlooking looks, but I'm saying, looks aren't everything. Someday, we'll look at this generation and shake our heads with disgust.

I don't know who she is, but I know He does. And that comforting. The only problem is... I'd like to know too!

Thank you for reading my thoughts, it's a blessing!  


Wednesday, August 22, 2012


continued from: Together again?

The Mills family and Charles were eating dinner together in their dining room.

"Wow, Mrs. Mills," Sam said, "this spaghetti is really good."

"Thank you. Kay told me about this earth dish, and I figured I'd try. Of course, Sara did most of the cooking." Mrs. Mills motioned to Sara.

"I'm not that good..." Sara said sheepishly.

"Are you kidding? This stuff is the best. I bet with Apatobront, you get all the herbs you need to cook with," Ali said.

"Some of them. Thank you," Sara explained.

Sam didn't know what was bothering her. She had been quiet all afternoon.

Suddenly, Alaina slammed her fork down. "I just don't know what happened, Ali! You're so.... changed. You're the happiest I've seen you. What happened?" Alaina asked.

Ali smiled " An amazing, wonderful thing happened to me. I was saved by Christ."

Alaina asked about Him, and how to get saved, just like Grandfather had planned to get Ali back.  Even though Ali was worse than they feared. 

 While the commotion with Ali and Alaina was going on, Sara motioned to Sam to follow her to the Sporemon pens out back.

"I don't know how to thank you for saving me from faling off that cliff ..." she started.

Sam replied "Don't worry. Jesus is the one who really saved you.I followed you because I felt you needed help. God has always spoken to me with feelings."

They rounded a hill and saw an awesome, golden sunset. Sara remembered the night that they had teamed up. She remembered she said something about draining the worries of the day. She would try to untangle her mind.

"It's beautiful." She whispered.

"Yea," Sam agreed. "I'm glad I have such a good friend like you, Sara."

Sara smiled, and as they walked back up to the house, she felt lighter. Maybe with the other Charles, they could help their Grandfather see the Light of Christ.

To be continued......

Thursday, August 16, 2012

15 random things

1. We went to Six Flags this summer, which was AWESOME! I rode the Ferris wheel and a log ride that went faster then I normally like. I still won't do roller coasters, but it's a start.

2. I have a YouTube account if you want to see it, my username is Jayblade2000. I mostly do Beyblade stuff (spinning tops made of metal and plastic) but I will try to branch out.

3. I want to tell you to pray for Firefly, because her best friend, Mustang, moved to Bryan. She would appreciate that.

4. I don't know about you, but every time they discover some new creature, or I find out about an awesome creature I've never seen before, or learn a new thing about a creature, I think about how awesome my God is. How amazing is this planet? The One who created me, you, and everyone else, created these creatures from His own imagination. WOW!

5. I have found a new series of books called the Dragons in our Midst. I'm afraid I forget the author's name, so I'm sorry. The first book is called Raising Dragons. They are Christian and very exciting, if you want to read them.

6. I'm am at that stage where I'm in between being an "adult" and a "child". It may be very frustrating, but God will show me His way. I'm trying to grow up but I don't want to be totally swamped with grown-up responsibility too early either. I sometimes feel I'm juggling! But with God's help, I can do anything,

7. I'm trying to branch out and do a genre that I haven't done before in my stories. Sports. I came up with an idea I call "Base" as in Baseball. So I've got some research to do.

8. Thanks for reading my story. I wanted to get it out somehow, and blogging helped. I hope you enjoy it, because, let's face it, it's pretty weird.

9. I won't use excuses and say stuff like "I'm almost done with this list" this time.

10. The greatest super hero of all time is Jesus. He has the power to do God's will, and through God's power, He saved everyone of us. What an awesome superpower!

11. A few friends won't be joining me for a birthday party later this month, and I'm a little sad about that. Don't worry, guys, I'll save some cake for you!

12. Algebra looks hard, but once you understand how some of it works, it's fairly easy. Emphasis on fairly.

13. I don't know why, but I can't sit still watching TV. I HAVE to do something. Spin a Beyblade, look though trading cards, draw, something! I've always been that way for some reason.

14. My sister is crazy. Okay, you probably all have crazy siblings, but she is still very crazy. Don't get me wrong I love my sister dearly, I just think she's crazier than me.

15. This is the last thing on the list, so I can tell you, I'll be turning 15 Sept. 3rd.                    

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Together again?

Finally continued from Reassurance.

Three kids raced though the forest chasing a giant green dragonfly.

"Apatabront, Tree Stomp!" Sara said. Apatabront leaped ahead and pushed its front feet into the ground. Again trees, all in a row, like a staircase, came up from the ground. They were headed toward Drafly, but it swerved, and went sideways.

"Yes!" Sam cried, happy that the move worked. Then he knew something wasn't right, and raced after Sara in the direction the Sporemon dodged.

In a small clearing on the edge of a cliff, Sara and Apatabront stood ready. Drafly knew he was caught, but wouldn't give up without a fight. It beat its wings so fast it stirred up the wind, pushing Sara off the cliff!

"Lord, HELP!" Sara yelled.

A hand grabbed hers. Sam was bending over the cliff, holding on to Sara to keep her from falling.

"I got a feeling you needed help, so I followed you. God works in mysterious ways, I guess," Sam said, pulling Sara to safety.

"Thanks," she said.

A loud meowing brought them back to their mission. Caterwaller's claws flashed in the sunlight, and smashed into the Evol. It went down, but Lighting's Battery Recharge move finished it.

"Are you okay?" Ali asked.

"I'm fine, thanks to Sam."

Kay ran over.

 "Yes, I'm fine!" Sara said, not even giving Kay a chance to ask. They all laughed. Then something in the bushes made a sound.

"Lugmon-" Sam never got a chance.

"Wait, don't! We're on your side!"

"I know that voice," Ali said.  "Alaina?"

Three kids stepped out from the thicket. One had a backwards baseball cap, one had a skull on his shirt, and one had a very short shirt.

 "What are you guys doing here?" Ali asked.

To be continued.....        


Thursday, June 7, 2012


"What do mean the next stop is Hell?!" Ali yelled. All she knew, was she had to get to SM Labs to tell her brothers and sister about Christ, so she hopped on this weird bus. What was happening?

"The way I see it," the driver said, not even taking his eyes off the road. "You know deep in your heart, you haven't changed one bit. And Hell is where you go if you don't believe Jesus is Christ." The driver turned to her and gave her a grin that sent shivers up her spine. She and Catterwaller huddled in a corner afraid to do anything.

Suddenly a bright light shone in front of the driver and the bus was cut in two, as if by a sword. Angels came down and surrounded Ali. Then she herd a voice that made her heart leap. "STAY AWAY FROM MY DAUGHTER!"

Then Ali awoke. She covered her face with her hands, then took them away. She was safe in the Mill's guest bedroom. She was so confused. Had she really changed?

 "Wake up!" Alaina yelled and went back and forth pounding on her brother's doors. Josh's door opened first.

"All right, all right. What is it?" he asked.

Alaina pounded on Joe's door until he woke up

"It's 2 a.m. Sis. What's wrong?"

"Ali is missing!"


 Ali stood on the hill behind the Mill's house, in her pajamas. She looked in wonder at the myriad of stars. "I don't know what to do, Lord. My family doesn't know you, but they need you. I can't go back. They'll never accept me now. I need.... reassurance." A cool night breeze blew around her, and in that moment she knew everything would work out. She went back to bed, dreaming about the happy family she hoped they could be again.

To Be Continued...........     

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Winds of Change part 3

continued from Part 2

Sara Mills had brushed her teeth, put on her pajamas, and had curled up with her book, North! Or be Eaten  by Andrew Peterson. She enjoyed the time spent reading before bed. In the time before she drifts off to sleep, she could go over the facts and try to see if she could figure out the cliffhangers.

Plink! Something hit the window. Plink! There it was again. Plink, plink, plink!

"What's going on?!" Sara asked out loud.

She went over to the window. Plink! Rocks! Someone was throwing rocks at her window! Sara opened her window.

"Will you quit throwing-," Sara stopped short.

Ali Charles was standing with a rock in her hand. "Ali? What on Threa are you doing?"

" I-I want to know how to get..... saved." Ali looked over her shoulder. She looked back. "Please! I promise it isn't a trick!"

Ali looked desperate. A minute later, Ali was sitting on Sara's bed, thanks to Apatobront making a vine on the aside of the house Ali could climb.

"I want to have Him in my life, but I'm sure He wouldn't take me."

Sara put a hand on Ali's shoulder.

"Jesus said to a criminal, dying on the cross, 'You will surely see Paradise this day.' He loves everyone, Ali. Some just don't know that."

Ali thought about her mom, dad, brothers, sister, and grandfather.

"The truth is, when you accept Him, He comes through here," Sara pointed at her heart. "It's a choice. No one can make it for you. But He only comes if you allow Him to."

Ali took a deep breath and closed her eyes.

She was standing outside an enormous cave. A baby cried. She walked up to the entrance. She saw a woman put a baby in a manger, a feeding trough for animals. She couldn't explained it, but Ali's heart filled with joy.

Ali was now in a village square. Jesus was standing talking to his disciples, then turned to face her. Their eyes looked into hers, and in that moment, she felt strength.

She was in the middle of a crowd, yelling. She couldn't stop. "Crucify Him!" She yelled. She had to stop, she didn't want this, but it was all she could say.

She was in temple. It was very, very dark outside. Suddenly a purple curtain, at least 10 feet high ripped, top to bottom.

She was on a hill standing in front of a tomb. Jesus' tomb. She was indescribably fifthly. And she was sobbing.

"Why?" she asked. "Why did you have to die for me? I should have been up there, not you! And now, because of me, you....." She broke off.

Suddenly the ground shook She braced herself, and then it stopped. She looked around. The rock in front of the door was shattered, and a marvelous figure, clothed in white stood in front of her.

Crying she hugged Him. "I thought you were dead!" she said.

Jesus smiled. "I was. But because I rose, again, you have life. Now, stand back."

Jesus thrust out his hand, and a bright light shone out from it. She was clean! She had been caked with dirt, but now she was clean at last!

As a final touch, Jesus pulled her shirt over her midsection.

"Let this be a sign you have changed Ali." Jesus said.

She opened her eyes. She was back in Sara's room.

"It worked!He's here!" She yelled, and burst into tears of joy.

Sara hugged her saying, "Welcome, Sister of Christ."

To Be Continued.........

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Winds Of Change part 2

continued from Part 1

"What kind of thing is this Sara?" Sam asked.

They were riding Mechacrab through the heavy stream of water from the broken dam. There was a clear casing, like a bubble around the Sporemon, allowing the kids to breathe underwater.

"My Dad invented this. He says it's like a submarine, it doesn't let water in, but it allows Sporemon attacks out."

"Look!" Kay said and pointed.

Ali Charles' limp form came into view.

Sara maneuvered the "bubble" under Ali, and raised it. The bubble bobbed on the surface of the river, now almost overflowing with the extra water.

Sara deactivated the "bubble" and mechacrab flew to shore.

The three friends gathered around Ali.

"Should we do C.P.R.?" Sam asked. But just then, Ali coughed and opened her bright blue eyes.

"Wha....... Where ....am I?" Then it all came back to her. She stood up, a confused look on her face. "Why? Why would you save an enemy? It goes against nature. Only the strongest survive......"

Sara smiled and said "It's what Jesus told us to do."

At that Ali rolled her eyes. She bowed her head. "Anyway, thank you" she whispered and ran off.

Sara looked at Sam and Kay.

"Let's go home, guys, we'll search for Drafly tomorrow"

Ali sat on her bed reading The Origin of Species, when she looked out the window, out at the myriad of stars.

"Is it more logical to believe that God created, or millions of years?" she said, talking to no one in particular.

"Come on, Catterwaller! I know what we have to do."

To Be Continued.......      

Monday, May 14, 2012

Winds of Change part 1

Continued from The End of the Tournament

A green streak raced along the forest, gliding over fleeing Sporemon and fallen tree branches. Two figures ran, almost under the creature. Ali and Caterwaller ran, only one step behind the third Sporemon. Ali looked over her shoulder at the forest behind them. Another Sporemon with a metallic orange color was gaining fast.

"Oh, no," Ali said to herself, "Not the Mills girl and the two Earthlings!"

They were riding a Sporemon known as a Mechacrab.

Sam was thinking. Where did I go wrong in the tournament? he wondered. He knew God could have helped him win, but in the end, the Charles' got the Sporemon. It seemed that Alaina was right about the bond between Sporemon and its partner, leaving Sam with doubts about God's mission. As they zoomed across the forest, Sam prayed God would show him why they lost.

The green streak bust out of the forest, but a piece of wood came from nowhere and hit the poor Sporemon upside the head. It crashed onto a large wooden structure then stood up on six legs. The wooden structure was a dam, over looking the river, built to stop a waterfall's flow. A Sporemon emerged from a small wooden dome, ready and alert. There was going to be a battle.

Ali finally made it out of the woods and stood in a little grassy area right in front of the dam.

"A Splatypus dam!" Ali realized. She looked at the battle unfolding on the dam's edge. A blue Sporemon with webbed feet and hands, and a beak dodged the gigantic wings of a green dragonfly-like Sporemon.

"We've got to get that Drafly to Grandpa, Catterwaller, Lightning Claw!"

The claw on Caterwaller's left hand surged with electricity.

"DON'T!" Ali looked toward the noise.

Sara Mills frantically waved her arms, yelling "Don't use the attack! The force of one more Sporemon entering the fray might collapse the dam!"

Ali paid no attention. The Christianity Savers were her enemies. Why they'd probably attack her as soon as look at her. Ali raced toward the dam, and stood on the edge.

Catterwaller's attack came down, but the other two Sporemon were too quick. They dodged, making Catterwaller hit the dam instead.

With a thunderous noise, the dam broke.   

Ali screamed as she was taken over the falls, faster then she could move. The Mechacrab moved back to let the rush of water subside.

"We can't just sit here," Kay said "we have to help them!"

"You're right," Sam agreed. "Sara, we need to go into that stream of water!"

"Right!" And they took off, trying to help one of their greatest enemies

TO BE CONTINUED.......      

Friday, May 11, 2012

The End of the Tournament

Continued from The Second Sporemon

Kay and Mr. Mills watched as Apatobront and Lugmon were defeated. They listened to Alaina's whistle and saw something fly from the trees beyond toward the stadium. But they couldn't help Sam and Sara win the battle. Kay had been knocked out of the competition, and Mr. Mills never entered. They could only pray.

As the speck came closer, it turned blue and bird-shaped. Kay got out her Monipedia and found the Sporemon, now 20 feet from the stadium. It looked like a Blue Jay with larger eyes and a brilliant blue crest on its head.  She read " Jaybeau: Air type.Other birds are careful when Jaybeau is around, because this Sporemon likes to steal and eat their eggs. It is also is known to steal tin foil, or money to build nests."

"She's using a small, agile Sporemon to counter the Iythomon's size and power," Mr. Mills observed. "We can only pray that Sam and Sara wake Apatobront and Lugmon in time."

Sara knelt by her Apatobront. "C'mon. You need to get up buddy, we need you."

The referee blew his whistle signaling the end of the match  Alaina was the winner. The crowd roared in the stands, but an Earthling and a Father just clapped.
Alaina still had to beat the Iythomon. Her Jaybeau flew around, dived, and slammed into the Evol type. It was only knocked off balance.

"Jaybeau, use Stormy Gust!"

The bird flapped its wings so hard Sara had to hold her cap and Sam grabbed the wall. The force of the wind was incredible. The Ichomon felt the same effect and dug its feet into the ground. It used its Whirlpool Spiral, but the wind blew it away.

The Jaybeau cawed and dived straight for the Ichomon, tired out from the battle with the Christianity Savers. It collapsed, knocked out.

"What was that you were saying, Sam? Oh, yea. God will help win the tournament because His spirit flows through me.!" Alaina laughed. "This was fun!"

She waved to the crowd, stayed around for interviews and then came home.

Ali knocked on Alaina's door. "Can I come in?" she asked.

Alaina nodded.

Ali looked at her sister for a minute and said "Good job winning the tournament. That training paid off big time." Alaina's face brightened and she hugged Ali. Ali hugged back.

"Good night, Ali," Alaina said "You'll need sleep for chasing that Dracofly, tomorrow."

Yes, Ali thought as she drifted off to sleep, I do need some sleep.

The one thing Ali didn't know, was that her life would forever be changed that afternoon.

To Be Continued...... 

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

The Second Sporemon

continued from Three-Way Free-For-All 

The Sporemon charged right for Sara, but she was so surprised, she couldn't move!

"Lugmon! Now!"

Lugmon breathed deep and unleashed a fire ball. It soared across the battlefield and smashed right into the Evol type.

"Thanks!" Sara said. Sam nodded  When the smoke cleared, the fish-like Sporemon shook it's head, and turned to Sam and Sara.

"Not a scratch! Why didn't the attack work Sara?" Sam asked, confused.

"The attack worked perfectly if you were trying to stop it from smashing me, but it didn't work if you were trying to inflict damage. See, Lugmon is a Fire type, and this new one is Water. Your attack wasn't as effective because you didn't have an elemental advantage. Water puts out fire."

"So now, how are we going to beat-" Sam was cut off by a roar. Alaina's Magmine had jumped up and bitten the new type on it's neck.

"Get that Icthomon so we can bring it home to Grandpa, and then finish these two off for the win!" Alaina said, jumping up and down.

But the Ithomon threw Magmine off, and the thrust knocked Magmine out.

"Now's our chance! Apatobront, Tree Stomp!" Sara commanded. Apatobront stomped the ground and trees grew, one after the other, but the Sporemon countered. It shot a jet of water out of its mouth smashing the trees like toothpicks, and knocked Apatobront out.

"Guess it's up to you, Sam. Kay can't come out to the field and help us because she was eliminated."
 Sam looked Sara in the eye.

"God will see me through. Even though Lugmon is Fire, I can beat this guy, because of Christ's power flowing through me! Lugmon, Lava Hurricane!"

The Icthomon attacked at the same time with its Whirlpool Spiral and the two tornadoes met, in mid-air.
But it wasn't enough. The Water move got through and hit Lugmon.

"Nice try, guys, but old faerie-tales can't help you now!" Alaina said with a grin. She whistled and something flew from a tree toward the arena.

"She called another Sporemon?!" Sara was stunned.

The black dot in the distance came closer and closer, to try and take the Icthomon down for Alaina Charles.

TO BE CONTINUED.......              

Monday, May 7, 2012

Three-way free-for-all

Continued from The Round Continues 

Kay sat in the locker room. "Sorry, guys. Guess I messed up." She said.

Lightning nuzzled her, telling Kay she did a good job out there in that strange way Sporemon have of communicating with humans.

"It's all right, Kay," Sam said, "Your loss just means that either Sara or I will get to go on to the final round."

"You can still cheer for us in the stands." Sara added.

Turning her attention to Sam, she smiled and said, "but just just because we're teammates, doesn't mean Apatabront and I will go easy on you!"

"Just what I wanted to hear," Sam said, and the two friends shook hands.


"A free-for-all?" Sam asked. Sara shrugged.

The two friends made their way into the arena and faced Alaina.

"I'm going to beat you both, because when my Magmine and I work together there's no stopping us!"

Sam and Sara looked at each other. They knew a corny line like that would be in some kind of worldly Japanese cartoon.

"Bonding with your Sporemon IS important, but realizing that Jesus will help you win in the end is even more important." Sam told her.

Alaina looked confused.

"But Ali taught me that bonding is the most important thing. I'll show you!"

The metal arena disappeared again and out came an arena that had a mountain in the middle of it.

"Fight!" the referee said.

But before anyone could move, a gaping hole was smashed though the walls of the bleachers where no one was sitting. A blue fish-like Sporemon angrily roared and charged straight for Sara.

To Be Continued..........

Blessings to the Brouse family! Have a good move and God be with you guys,
Creator's Son 

Thursday, May 3, 2012

A San Antonio visit

Yesterday, we went to San Antonio for 2 main reasons, 1. to get the oil changed in Dad's car. 2. To get some more picks at the Guitar Store. I wanted to go to Target for two things, one of them  I found, the other I had to buy online.

 I found a new Bey (Nightmare Rex) and bought that. They also had a Vulcan Horusesus, Bakushin Susonow, and Spiral Capricorn, in case you are interested in rare Beyblades. Anyway, the second thing was weird. A new card game, Vanguard Card Fight,  was in our Walmart (who has absolutely nothing in the way of good card games and stuff) Yet I couldn't find a starter deck at any Target, so I had to go online.

Enough about games. We went to change the oil, then went to the Guitar store.  We then  went to Half-price books, there we got a Hank the Cowdog book (I recommend this series of books by John R. Erickson) a few whodunit books, the second book in The Door Within series,
 (Recommended) and a book of dumb signs from all over the planet..

We ate a Freddy's for lunch, and made our way to Costco, got a membership, and shopped. After ALL that, I was so tired I still have tire tracks down my back. I was glad to be home, and I  watched Dad complain about how the characters moved in his new $45.00 game that he can't get used to playing, because the camera doesn't follow you. Today we are doing school and relaxing by climbing a 500 foot tower, covered in syrup in straitjackets. Because that is more relaxing than what we did yesterday.

God Bless You,
Creator's Son

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The Round Continues

Continued from: A Surprising Twist

As Alaina ordered her Magmine to jump into the river-like arena, she thought Ali would be impressed for sure if she beat Kay!

Alaina had always looked up to her older sister Ali. She loved the way Ali carried herself, independent and strong. Ali had taught Alaina all about evolution, and helped her choose her Sporemon at the adoption center. But no matter what, Alaina never seemed to impress Ali. She wanted to hear "Good Job" from her. Even though Grandpa said it occasionally, she still felt empty. Now she had her chance to shine.

Lightning jumped from rock to rock, carefully avoiding the river. Kay didn't want to shock everyone in the stands with a wet Kittah's electrical move.

"Magmine, Lava Blaster!" Alaina said pointing at Lightning.

Sam gasped.

"How could Magmine use Lugmon's move?!" Sara explained.

"Lugmon is a Fire type and Magmine is a Fire type. Different Sporemon can use the same moves as other Sporemon if they are the same type. The choice of the move is up to the trainer. Or if they are wild, with no owner, they learn them naturally. They are truly amazing creatures God created."

"Yeah. They really are." Sam said, watching the match.

Lightning dodged Lava Blaster after Lava Blaster, and Kay knew Lightning was tiring. She had to finish this round soon. Kay waited until Magmine was parallel with Lightning and called "Lightning, Battery Recharge!!!!" Lightning jumped in the air, curled her little self into a black and yellow ball and hurled lightning strikes at Magmine. Magmine dodged them well, but both Kay and Alaina knew he was tiring.

Alaina decided to try a new move. "Flame Broil!" she called.

Magmine leaped high into the air and spun. As he spun little balls of fire landed into the water.

That's a dumb move, Kay thought, Why is she shooting fire into the water, wouldn't that just put the fire out?

The water began to bubble, and Lightning was hopping around on two feet. "Oh no!" Kay realized the water was boiling and the heat was seeping into the rocks making them super hot! Lightning meowed over and over, trying to overcome the heat.

Magmine was unfazed by the heat.

"Lord, Please!" Kay pleaded.

Magmine blasted one more Lava Blaster at Lightning and the round was over.

Kay had lost.

Alaina grinned wide, and looked at a television camera shooting the whole event.

"Hi Ali, Josh, Joe, and Grandpa!" Alaina waved to the camera, and walked back to the locker room to cool off.

To Be Continued.....




Thursday, April 19, 2012

A Surprising Twist

Continued from: The Second Round.

Kay faced Alaina across the big, regular metal plate in the center of the field.

Alaina was about 8, and dressed EXACTLY like Ali was. Orange T-shirt that didn't quite fit over her stomach, pink sideways belt, Short brown hair with a blue clip, and faded jeans.

Alaina had never seen Kay before. A cheerful, yellow t-shirt, with dark blue jeans, and nice pull-on shoes. Kay lacked frill, but her cheerful smile made up for it. Her jet-black hair was pulled into a pony-tail.


The crowd roared with excitement and the slab of metal disappeared, leaving a black hole in the middle of the stadium. In a second it came up again this time it was a pool-like battlefield, with rocks sticking up out of the water, to emulate a river.

"We have to battle here?" Kay asked, looking down at Lightning. She rubbed on Kay's leg and looked up at Kay with her adorable, black eyes. "You ready, Princess of the Universe?" Kay asked jokingly at Lightning.

The referee blew his whistle.


Kay and Alaina nodded.


The crowd yelled with excitement once more.

And in the depths of the muddy river, an Evol type went crazy, snapping at anything that moved, trying to escape the noise of the unsuspecting crowds.

TO BE CONTINUED.......       

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Second Round Begins

Continued from: The First round

Alaina Charles giggled as Magmine jumped up and ate the Sporemon treat she was holding. Then, Josh, her older brother came in with a weird looking Sporemon. It was big and purple, its huge hands from the wrists down were purple amethyst, and had two purple diamonds in its shoulders. The strangest thing about it was that it had no head. Its face was on its body. It was an Amifist, her brother's main sporemon.

"All most ready?" Josh asked.

"Yep! Magmine and I are ready to go!" Alaina pumped her little fist in the air and reached down to pet Magmine.

"You sure do love your Sporemon," said Josh.

Alaina looked surprised by the comment.

"It's our job, Josh. If we don't bond with the Sporemon we have, they won't obey us at all in battle." Alaina turned up her nose and walked out of the locker room with a swagger.

"See if I care..." Josh said under his breath.

Kay Nicole stood on the bank of the river, running her hand though the clear, cold water. Why would the youngest Charles be entered in the tournament? Wasn't she too young to go and catch the Four, the evil Sporemon? Her thoughts were interrupted by a hand on her shoulder.

"Two minutes" Sam said.

Kay started up to the arena. She had a battle to win.      

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Father, Forgive Them

We thought our satellite  company was getting too expensive, so we got rid of it.So I was watching Beyblade on Youtube on my computer last night. And saw a comment that went something like this:

"In my Hometown, we had a gang of Beybladers that would defeat you and take your beyblade. My brother beat them all, though."

 It was interesting that people can be bullies with a fun game. It was sad too, of course. Also, yesterday, Firefly was called names and teased by people at the park.

Bullies are not fun, and they are out there. The most important thing to do with bullies is to do what the Bible says to do. Don't take revenge, turn the other cheek, and ask God to forgive them. Even Jesus said "Father, forgive for they know not what they're doing". But the most important thing about this besides forgiving them, is that you don't imitate them. If you're mad when they bully you, and you bully someone else, you're no better than they are.

So the next time someone calls you names, or teases you, ask God to forgive them, instead of getting frustrated.  

Monday, April 2, 2012

The First Round

continued from The Tournament Begins 

The Crowd cheered from the bleachers as the sporemon tournament started its first round. Unfortunately and unknown to any, a very sleepy Evol type was awakened by the noise. It's fish-like eye opened, and it began to swim towards land.

Sara stood behind the edge of a long rectangular metal plate in the middle of the field, her opponent standing on the other side. A small golden-brown lion cub with mane-like hair on its shoulders and a long tail stood beside him.

Sara popped open her monipedia, and looked up Felion. "It's very loyal to its trainer's cause, no matter what. It can whip its tail out and ensnare oncoming sporemon with its Bolas move," she read. Sara remembered seeing  Bolas somewhere. It was a small weapon, with two balls on the end, and a rope in the middle. It caught animals' feet, making it hard to move. Sara knew she had to be careful.

"Combatants ready?" asked the referee. Sara and the other boy nodded. "Battle!" The referee blew his whistle and the first round began. 

"Apatabront, charge!" Sara said pointing at Felion.

The boy smirked and called out "Felion, use your Bolas!" The Felion roared, actually it mewed ferociously, and swung it's tail out at Apatabront. Apatobront leaped over the long tail and, with gravity's help, the tail swooped back and wrapped around its own feet, causing it to topple over.

"Darn!" the boy said.

Sara smiled. "With Jesus' help, my friends and I can do anything!"

The boy slapped his palm to his forehead (professionally known as a "face-palm".) "Oh, brother, not that fairy tale again. Didn't you hear the sporemon evolve?!" the boy asked.

Sara wasn't backing down. "Some get weaker or stay at the same power level. Therefore, they don't evolve." Sara said simply, and kindly.

"Apatabront, Tree Stomp!" Sara commanded and just like that, the first round of the tournament was over.

"NEXT ROUND, KAY NICHOL VS. ALEANA CHARLES! " the loud speaker boomed.

Sara gasped. "A Charles kid is entered in this tournament?!"
To be continued.....           

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Creator's Son's Guide to Dinosaurs

The first thing you have to know about Dinosaurs is they lived thousands of years ago, along side Turkeys, Zebras, Man, Lions, Tigers, and Bears, oh my!

Some Dinosaurs were as big as your house, while some were as small as your average sheep, or chicken.
Here are some example Dinosaurs

1. The Thesaurus was a docile plant-eater, about as big as a horse that loved to help other animals increase their vocabulary. It was shaped like a book for some reason.

2. Ihopenobodysaurus was also a plant-eater. Although we have fossils of it, scientists think it could turn itself invisible, to hide from predators, and so nobody would know it had really bad acne.

3. Tyrannosourus was a meat-eating dinosaur, that, after it's meal, ate Lemon Sours. We know this because it had very bad teeth, and possibly bad breath. It died out because there weren't enough tic-tacs to go around.

4.The ConstittuasaurU.S. was a VERY patriotic dinosaur. It was one of the first dinosaurs ever to establish a government much like the one we use today. It could eat both plants, and meat.

I hope this helps all those misconceptions about those awesome creatures! Until next time, Creator's Son, and Spike, the Igaunodon (a real dinosaur)! 

(Disclaimer: I do know all about dinosaurs, I just thought you would enjoy this more!)   

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

The Tournament Begins

continued from A New Battle

The children crowded around the poster Kay held up.

"Water-side Stadium Tournament!

In a first ever sporemon tournament, 
will battle with sporemon
until one is left standing! 
Can you make it to the end?! 
Come to Water-Side stadium for fun and to Win!" 

"Wow!" Sara exclaimed. "We'd better start training, if we want to make it!"

Sara and Kay started to run off.

"Coming, Sam?" asked Kay. 

"I'll catch up." Sam said, unconvincingly.


Sam closed the door to his room and leaned on it with his back it. When he had talked Sara about the Aptarix, and she had smiled at him, it brightened his day. And Sam knew why. This was probably a cliche sub-plot Creator's Son wrote in here because he's a teen-age boy. Sam quickly shook the thought out of his head and apologized for ruining the sub-plot. There would be time to think about Sara Mills later.
Sam had a tournament to win.


"Wow, look at this lake," Kay said running her hand though the crystal clear water. "Shouldn't there be, I don't know, fish in the water?"

Sara pushed a lock of her blond hair out of her eyes and looked at her father. "Could one of the Evol type sporemon do something like this?" asked Sara.

Mr. Mills rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "The water type may eat fish, so it's a definite possibility."

Sam ran up the concrete path to the stadium. "Come on," Sam yelled. "It's almost time to start."

Sara, Kay, and Mr. Mills walked up the path to the stadium.

A voice came booming over the intercom. "ALL CONTESTANTS STEP FORWARD. WE ARE ABOUT TO BEGIN!" The crowd in the stands went wild, as the first-ever tournament got underway.


Wednesday, March 21, 2012

A New Battle

continued from : A Turn of Events.

Aptarix slammed against the glass of his new enclosure again, full force. Sara and her father watched the sporemon try to escape slamming into the glass wall over and over.

"It doesn't learn well," Mr. Mills stated. "Very stubborn. It still doesn't realize it can't get out."

"Is there any way we can help it, Dad?" Sara asked.

"I don't think we can. Your mom just did test results and it's an original creature, there is no 'evolved' form of this sporemon, this is it."

Sara looked down. She wasn't one of those environmental extremists, but she cared for God's creatures and was a good steward. Not being able to turn it back from what it was, because it didn't evolve from a sporemon, that it's stuck like that.... she felt a hand on her shoulder.

"Sara," Sam said as he walked up beside her. "Don't be sad. It's in its created form. Sure it's berserk, but you and your parents can train it to calm down, train it to help. Who knows? The other sporemon may teach it about Jesus in some way."

Sara nodded. With Jesus, there is always hope, she thought.

Kay came barging into the room with a piece of paper in her hand. "There's going to be a first-ever sporemon tournament by the river!" she panted.

To be continued......       

Monday, March 12, 2012

A Turn of Events

Continued from Aptarix Returns

Caterwaller dug it's claws into the tree's bark and leaped nimbly up. In a few minutes it would be high enough to jump out of the tree and grab the Aptarix.

"Go!" Ali shouted and pumped her fist in the air, cheering Caterwaller on.

The Aptarix saw the battle that knocked out its puppet, the Rhano. It also saw a Caterwaller climbing up a tree. No doubt those humans were trying to catch him. He dove down and looked Caterwaller straight in the eyes. Caterwaller started climbing down.

"Caterwaller, what are you doing!? We need to get Aptarix for Grandpa!" Ali had no idea Catterwaller was hypnotized. 

"Hmmmm..." Sara rubbed her chin, thinking. "We need something to block Aptarix's hypnotic move..."

"Wait!" Sam said "Your bracelet!" Sara looked down at her wrist. She wore a light green bracelet with a small metal plate in the middle. "See how it reflects?" Sam asked.

Sara looked at her exaggerated, upside down head in it's reflection, and smiled. "We don't even have to get to the treetops." Sara pumped her fist and turned it. The sun's refection flashed at Aptarix and he fell to the ground, blinded. Lightning walked around and rubbed on Aptarix, like all cats do, shocking the stunned Evol type into unconsciousness.

"We did it!" Sam said.

To Be Continued....

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Our Trip to Brenham and Back

This last Wednesday through Monday trip was to Brenham and back, as you've already surmised from the post title.

We stopped first at Waco and went to a Heritage museum and got to see a real-working water wheel, blacksmith shop, and woodworking station! We also went to a natural history museum and their "Emergence of Man" Exhibit just had tools and dates! No missing link fossils or anything! Wow! Really good proof of evolution don't you think?

Me at the Natural History Museum wearing my shirt I got at Mardel

We went to a Dr. Pepper museum and a Texas Ranger Museum after that. It was cool to see all those different glasses that they used before soda cans!

Before we left Waco, we made one last stop. Mardel. It was SOOO cool! Alyssa almost got a new CD, but it would have used all her money. She even got to listen to some Andrew Peterson CDs! I got an awesome shirt (Not that almost ALL their shirts aren't awesome!) that says "American by birth, Christian by choice." It was true. I have the right to choose, and NO ONE can take that away from me, my family, or any one else in this country. 

Then we went to Brenham, and they had one of the COOLEST Wal-marts on the planet. They had a Beyblade named Ray Gil, one of the few I don't have, and they had Team Packs. Right now, Beyblade Metal Masters has each of the best Beybladers from around the world compete to be the world's best Blader, and they had Team USA's beyblades all in one package! We got those and they rule! But enough about that.

We also got to see the Lorax in a theater (before Mustang! Whoooo!) and it's a pretty good, (and funny) movie.

On Sunday, we went to the Renaissance festival which, almost surprisingly, was pretty decent. It was more Family oriented and most of them had decent costumes. There was even a really cool faun (Think Narnia) costume!  I even got a lucky Dragon Scale necklace and an archer-type hat! 

Me at a knife-throwing game at the Renaissance Festival. I didn't hit the target, but I stuck a knife in a wooden wall behind the target! 

This vacation was well needed, but by the end of the LOOOOOOOOOOOONG drive home I was ready to crash. And that's what I did.

I hope any of you reading this have great vacations, whether you're on them now or planning them. Have a great week!

Monday, February 27, 2012

Aptarix Returns

continued from A Battle in the Forest

"PATA!" Apatabront cried as he jumped right in the way of the Dragon's Breath move.

"What on earth?! Sara, what happened?" asked Sam.

"Apatabront blocked the Dragon's Breath from hitting Lightning." Sara smiled.

Lightning ran in front of Apatabront sparks shooting out of her fur in all directions. Apatabront stood and then looked up. In the distance they heard the cry of a bird, and they all looked up. Circling above them was the Aptarix.

"It must have sensed its puppet was knocked out. It's searching for a new sporemon to take control of!" Ali realized.

"We need a flying sporemon to catch that thing. " Sara said, matter of factly.

Sam thought for a second. "Sara, is Apatabront still healthy enough to use Tree Stomp?"

"Yes, why?"

"Make steps, one tree taller than the last up to the Aptarix." Sam explained.

"Oh, and use an attack to knock Aptarix out!" Kay suddenly said.

Growing up together as childhood friends, Kay knew Sam well and Sam knew her well.

"I just hope this works! Look, Ali's Caterwaller is climbing a tree to reach Aptarix!" Sara said pointing.

TO BE CONTINUED......          

Friday, February 24, 2012

20 random things (possibly)

1# I gave up potato chips and other related products for Lent, because I've noticed I'm becoming a little a too pudgy for my taste.

2# Monsuno, a TV show, premiered last light and it was awesome, but a favorite character didn't get a Monsuno yet.

3#  I've always thought of myself as a "hero" type of person. I think I have a knack for putting Jesus and others first, and can't quite understand why people are soooo evil sometimes. (Like Mom making me do Algebra for example)

4# I just don't really like math. I seem to be good at it but it's just confusing.

5# I like writing random stuff like this

6# My main Beyblade for now is Earth Striker, with a Special Move, Oblivion Beam

7# I like defense type Beyblades best.

8# Club Penguin's Pirate Quest lacked quite a bit.

9#  Friday night is "Cell Group" night for us, a bunch of people come to our house for a tiny "Sermon" and prayer requests.

#10 I can recite all three Ben10 theme songs, and I'm a Ben10 "Fan" (Kind of, not exactly) yet Ben can be absolutely obnoxious and we go "Whaaaat?" whenever he is. Weird? Yes.

#11  My sister and I have saved the world from an angry Polar Bear named Herbert and his pet crab Klutzy on more than 3 occasions. That's all I can tell you. I'm sworn to secrecy by an organization called the EP- LOST TRANSMISSION! ERROR! POTATO SALAD NOT AUTHORIZED! DOOOOT!

#12 There is a ninja right behind you. Made you look!

#13 I don't like the dark. At. All. I don't know why, I just get creeped out even though Jesus is right there.

#14 My sister plays violin and I play guitar

#15 Did you know, (okay, now you do)  I have had numerous pre-Cristainty Savers stories over the years. In fact, I can't remember my first version, except it had a little diamond-like sporemon and three bad guys wanting to turn the sporemon into cards.

#16 I am known in my household to make up stories like that. Huh, I wonder why?

#17 I'm almost done with this list

#18 The Weego, Dorito Baby, and Aliens at H-E-B were my favorite Super bowl Commercials.            

#19 I'm almost done with this list.

#20 I'm done with this list! (Mom says I cheated. *heh heh*)

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Battle in the Forest

Continued from A Big Battle 

Kay stood ready. She had no idea what Ali had up her sleeves, but it couldn't be good. Suddenly, the Rhano ran in front of Ali and Caterwaller, and did a Super-Charge right at Lightning. Kay was too afraid because it was the same move and same direction the Rhanos in her dream used. The Rhano's attack struck dead center and Lightning tumbled back.

No time to be afraid, Kay thought, Jesus will protect me! I saw how fears can hurt others, like Lightning. Remember, Sporemon and their partners have to be a team. The Rhano pawed at the ground and charged forward. "Lightning, Lightning shield!" Lightning created a yellow orb around herself, that was buzzing with energy. The Rhano attacked, but it couldn't get in, and in a few minutes, it collapsed on the ground, defeated.

Ali and Joe looked surprised. "You handled that like a pro, and you're from Earth!" Ali gasped. Kay shrugged.

"Ah, that? That was just Jesus' power working though Lightning."

" Oh, please! That fairy tale again?" Asked Ali. "Caterwaller, show this girl nature rules, not some all-knowing phony, Lightning Claw!" Caterwaller jumped in the air and slashed though the Lightning shield.

"How-?" Asked Kay.

"Lightning and Caterwaller are the same element, electricity, moves like Lightning Shield are useless against the same type!"

Joe butted in. "Thanks for taking out the shield, Sis, but T-Dex wants to battle, right?"

T-Dex looked up from trying to snag a bug in mid-air, confused. Joe sighed. "Fine. T-Dex, Dragon's Breath!" T-Dex gulped a huge amount of air for something his size and blew a stream of fire right at Lightning!


Saturday, February 18, 2012

Light in the Darkness

Today, Beyblade, a show based in Japan, got a concept that we all have learned. Tsubasa, a character, had some kind of dark power living within him, and we almost gave up waching it. But, in a stunning upset, he defeated it, not by resisting it, and not "Becoming one" with it.

A line from the show says "Everyone has darkness in their heart, but because of the darkness, light can be seen!" We can't overcome our darkness just by ignoring it. It will get stronger and stronger, but if Jesus shines His light into that darkness it scatters before Him, because He is master of everything.   ....Including darkness.

But, the real choice is up to YOU. If you let that darkness take control, you will just be wallowing in your own filth. "For God so loved the world He gave His only Son, so whosoever believes in Him will have eternal life." John 3:16. You, like the rest of the world, can choose to wallow in sin, but Jesus gave us a choice, and YOU can choose light. I can't make that choice for you, but I pray that you will will find your true nature and let Him take control.

 Beyblade was a reminder that everyone isn't perfect, but they can be forgiven time and time agian by the awesome power of Jesus. And if Japanese cartoons are starting to get it right, what about us in America? 

Thursday, February 9, 2012

A Big Battle

Continued from Ali and Joe

Sara Mills stood on the small path running through Rhano forest, hands behind her head. What was taking Sam and Kay so long?

"Gang way, Mills!" Sara looked down the road to see Ali and Joe running toward her. Sara quickly got out of the way.

"Hit 'em again!" Sam yelled, and Lugmon fired and missed for the umpteenth time. The Rhano was just too fast!

Sara suddenly figured out what was going on and ran to Sam and Kay. "Sorry. From where I was, I couldn't see your battle." Sara apologized.

"But we sure heard you!" Ali and Joe ran up to where Sam, Kay, and Sara were.

"Lugmon's tired out. Can Lightning take over?" Sam asked Kay.

"Oh, please! Caterwaller!" Ali called out and the same yellow creature Sara had fought jumped in front of the Rhano.

Sam had fought the Rhano because of self-defence, but if the Charles' children were fighting it, one of the four sporemon were near by!

"Kay, you have to win this one! A Evo type sporemon is here!"

Before Kay ordered Lightning to attack, she looked her opponents over.

Caterwaller was like a cat. It was all yellow, and walked on two legs. It had huge claws on the end of it's fingers, and a long bushy tail for maximum balance. God sure knew what He was doing to create such a cool creature!

Ali had short brown hair, with a small blue clip in it. She had an orange shirt, the ugly kind that exposes belly that seems all the rage nowadays, a pink belt, sideways, and jeans with holes in the knees. She was a spitting image of the girls of the World.

Meanwhile, Ali examined her opponents as well.

Lightning was a small cat-like sporemon yellow with a black lightning bolt down her back, an adorable face, and a positive symbol on one side of her, negative on the other.

Kay's long black hair was tied in a pony tail, a smile on her face, and a nice yellow shirt, followed by jeans. She was a spitting image of the hope Christ offers, cheery and exited.

"Ready Lightning?"

"Mew, Meow!"

"Uh.... I'll take that as a 'yes'"

"Well, well, well, seems you forgot something!" Ali pointed to the Rhano, pawing at the dirt, ready to charge. "Looks like we have to fight Ali and the Rhano. And I'll bet that it's the only way to lure that Evo type out!"


Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Ali and Joe

Continued from The Dream

T-Dex scorched a tasty bug, before wolfing it down. T-Dex was Joe's zany sporemon partner. T-Dex looked like a miniature Tyrannosaurus from Earth, with orange scales.

"T-Dex, we're not here to eat. We're here to find Grandpa's evolved sporemon." Joe said, twisting his cap frontwards, then backwards on his head. T-Dex made garbled "Grammhh" in reply because he was chomping on the bug he had scorched.

Ali sighed, a long tired sigh. "Just how long have we been in this stupid jungle?" Ali asked.

Her brother shrugged. Then they heard what sounded like a battle.

"Lugmon, Lava Blaster!"

Sam walked along side Sara and Kay. He'd never seen Kay act like this. She looked behind them every few minutes, her hands bunched at her chest. He hated to think it but Kay looked... afraid.

"Sara, could you go on a little ways, my friend and I need some privacy."

"Sure, Sam. C'mon Apatabront."

Sam pulled Kay aside. "Kay, is there something you want to tell me?" Sam asked.

Kay had always been the adventuresome type. That's what had gotten them here in the first place. Kay was NEVER afraid.

Sam pulled out his Bible from a holder on his belt. And held it out to Kay. "My Mom made this holder," Sam patted the leather pouch that had held God's Word. "So whenever I was afraid, or lonely, or sad, I'd read His word, and I'd feel better. You don't have to be afraid Kay, Jesus is with you, no matter what. You don't have to be afraid. Even.... from a dumb dream." Sam turned away from his best friend. "I should know. I've been there. I was afraid for weeks after a nightmare I had, but when I prayed, God answered."

Kay smiled and then shouted "LOOK OUT!"

A Rhano charged out the bushes right between Kay and Sam. Sam knew he had to battle. "Lugmon, Lava Blaster!"

Lugmon stopped sniffing a flower and threw his mighty fireball, but the Rnano was too quick.

"Looks like it's speed versus power." Sam said, a determined look on his face.


By the Way, how are you liking the story so far? If you have any suggestions, I'll be happy to look at them.
God bless you!
Creator's son, and Lugmon.      

Monday, February 6, 2012

A Dream.

Continued from The Water Type

Kay was running for her life, through a forest with a thousand Rhanos after her. She turned around, nodded to Lightning and yelled "Lightning, Lightning Shield!" and pointed to the wall of Super-Charging Rhanos.

Lightning just looked up at her with her big black eyes, blinked, and started giving herself a bath. Where were Sara and Sam? she picked up Lightning, and ran.

On Earth she could beat her best friend at racing, and could even run down her driveway at 10 m.p.h. to catch up to her friend's car and shout an animal noise as in "Good-bye!", but here, she didn't know how much longer she could run on. Soon she tripped over a root. As the Rhanos closed in, she mustered all her strength and screamed. Surely Sam and Sara heard that! 

Sara may have asked for a dream, but Kay certainly got one. Kay awoke in her room at Sara's house. And indeed, people heard her. Sam, Sara, Apatabront, Lugmon, and Mr. and Mrs. Mills came running to find out what was the matter.

"Sorry," Kay whispered. "I just... had a bad dream, that's all." 

Mrs. Mills offered her warm milk and Kay gulped it down. It didn't taste like Earth milk, so it must have come from some kind of sporemon.

"Get some rest," Sara said as she and Sam left the room. "We've got to go to Rhano Forest to track down one of those four Sporemon."

And with that reassuring bit of news Kay lay awake most of the rest of the night, praying for a good day tomorrow. 

TO BE CONTINUED...              

Friday, February 3, 2012

The Water Type

continued from the Fire Type

Sara Mills, hair combed, teeth brushed, and in her pajamas, sat on her bed looking at her Monipedia. She was scanning the new Evo archive for information on where the four sporemon were hiding. All it said was information about the creatures, not their locations, but she was determined to get some kind of clue to their whereabouts. She read "The Aptarix sporemon's unique hypnotising ability lies in it's strange spiral eyes. It can use the move Mayhem Minion to take hold of other sporemon. It also has powerful fiery attacks." for the hundtreth time.

Sara yawned, switched off her "Lamp", or the closest thing to a lamp on Thrae, shut her Monipedia, and prayed for a dream to tell her where any of the sporemon were.

A Searay swam in the murky water of the Epuladaug River, skimming the bottom. Suddenly the searay's bulb on it's head lit up and swam away. That was the only thing that saved it from being lunch. The Icthomon, the water Evol type, woke from it's sleep and snapped it's jaws at the searay, but the little fish was smaller and faster than it was.

The fish-like sporemon climbed out of the water and sunned itself on a warm rock. It's fins dangled uselessly from it's tail, because of now, it was on land. Could the Christianity Savers help stop this beast before he ate all there was in the lake? You probably hope so, don't you?


Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Young, Yet Powerful

I'm "only" a teenager. I don't know anything about cubicles, (except that they're boxes, kind of like offices) getting up at 5:00, eating scrambled eggs, then running out the door to go to work. I don't know how to make a 'movie' movie, (We made some, and may do a Beyblade one) I don't know what all happens when Mom and Dad argue, (most because it doesn't happen very often!) or how even to start to have a relationship with a girl.

When you look at it, I don't know a whole lot about life, growing up, and that may lead some teens to doubt their abilities. Yet 1Timothy 4:12 says "No one should despise your youth, instead, you should be an example to the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, in purity."

I may not know the stress adults may have, but that doesn't mean I can (choose to) mope about it. Look at all the things I know! I know the Truth of Jesus Christ, I know that Mom and Dad are trying to train me well, I know I can't be perfect. I know how to be kind to little kids, and I know God has good plans for me. I know I need my family and they need me. I know my attitude can affect others, or positive, or negative, and I know Algebra is HARD!

When Satan comes and whispers that you know nothing because you are young and inexperienced, stay strong. Know that, you know, that you know what your unique skills are, and what you are capable of. You may be young, but because you have Christ in your heart, you are powerful!        

Wednesday, January 25, 2012


Today, I came up with another weird story. If you've been reading my Christianity Savers stories, you know what I'm talking about. This time, it's a tiny bit of a Beyblade spoof, but I try not to rip them off. First some back story.

I looked at those kind of anime shows, and said "Hey, they're pretty popular!" Also, there wasn't one that promoted Jesus. A few years ago, I was in Wal-mart and saw one of the coolest things. A comic book, in Japanese format. Manga (Anime is animated manga,... or something. I don't live in Japan. So sue me!) that was about Jesus. It was called Manga Messiah. It's really cool. It's Jesus' life story in manga!

I haven't seen anything like that since, so I would like to create one glorifying Jesus. That's how Christianity Savers got started. Now I've come up with something a little different. Cosmotops.

It was well after Adam and Eve where thrown out of the garden. Abel was working his knife at a wooden toy for his kid. A top. Once he saw how much his kid enjoyed it, he made some for his extended family. They spun them, and figured out battling with them was a fun way to get better at using the tops. Cain was always tired of Abel beating him, so when God did not accept his sacrifices, Cain went over the edge.  When Cain suggested Abel and him go out to the field, he challenged Abel to a battle. After Abel lost, Cain killed him. After God banished Cain, a negative spirit remained inside the top. Soon, with the discovery of metal and plastic, they became more than just tops, they were Cosmotops.

Until today, the board of directors at Barenville High School taught creation, and the real history of Cosmotops. Now they will teach evolution. The science teacher Mr. Carwell, held a tournament. The six kids who were left standing were a new team. Mr. Carwell explained that the negative, rebellious culture we live in is thanks to negative energy. The top that originally had that energy was passed down to generation after generation until it became Evo Chameria. Named after the mythical Chameria. If the culture gets so bad, we will face destruction! Thankfully with training, these kids, with the Holy Spirit, can teach this generation God's ways before it's too late.

Thanks for reading! Blessings,
Creator's Son.           

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

The Fire Type

Continued from: The Team has Formed  

A ruby-red bird preened it's dazzling feathers in Thrae's morning light. A jolt shook the tree where the Evol/fire type roosted. A Rhano, a rhino-like sporemon butted it's head against the tree. The young male was practicing it's Super Charge move for a battle to mate, much like rams on Earth.

The Evol type flew to the ground, and the Rhano stopped to study the strange, new sporemon. It looked like a parrot with teeth, and strange markings. The weirdest thing about it was its eyes. Its eyes seemed to go on and on in hypnotic circles, and when the Rhano looked straight into the eyes, it lost control.

The Evol type's hypnotic power had taken hold. The red, bird-like Aptarix, the fire type Evol, had a minion, and no one could stop it from taking control of every sporemon in Thrae. Or was there? 

TO BE CONTINUED...           

Monday, January 23, 2012

The Most Awesome Book Saga in the Universe

I know! I know! I need to get back to my story, but bear with me here. The continuation will come, I promise.

For now I want to talk about Andrew Peterson, the famous songwriter. Who knew he had such a wonderful storyteller in him? His book series, The Wingfeather Saga, is quite amazing. In all three books you have twists and turns that you couldn't even imagine.

The story follows a family of three kids, (Guess how many kids Andrew has?) a mother, and their once-a- pirate grandfather as they try to escape the lizard-like Fangs of Dang. They have the one thing that can defeat Gnag the Nameless, the main villain and leader of the fangs, the Jewels of Anniera. Plus they have to contend with thwaps, grey Fangs, cloven, quill diggles and, the occasional toothy cow. I highly recommend this series. You will laugh through the first book, On the Edge of the Dark Sea of Darkness, but it gets more serious and enjoyable (you have to read the footnotes in a different voice, you know.) .

The fourth book is scheduled to come out in 2013, and, if you read my sister's blog, she will not be happy about it. So why are you still reading this? Go and buy On the Edge of the Dark Sea of Darkness on Amazon already, you won't regret it!  

I apologise to you about Firefly. She can be a little...... strange. 

Thursday, January 19, 2012

What the World Teaches

It is hard, now days, to watch TV and not hear something about monkeys, humans, and the family tree we sprouted from. We need to continue and put more Heavenly stuff in our entertainment, but that's not what this post is about.

Yes, I do watch an anime show on Cartoon Network called "Beyblade", in case you were wondering (If you've seen me at the Park, or read some of my posts). Yes, they do point out "Sticking together", "Friendship", and the ever popular "Teamwork". But one thing is missing. I'm not sure if you can see it. They utter things like "I'm not alone." Yet they refer to their teammates, not God.

The point I'm trying to make is: The World teaches "Believe in yourself" while we teach "Believe in God". As Jesus says "No one can be a slave of two masters,since either he will hate one and love the other, or be devoted to one,despise the other." Matt. 6:24  You can't believe in yourself ALL the time. It's just not right.

Another example  is my Fossil Fighters Champions game, after I defeated the main bad-guy, the program said I won "Because he loved to battle, and had a strong connection with........ his dinosaurs!" They didn't know that I fully believed I had won because God gave me strength,

I'm not saying don't trust yourself, I'm saying, if you only trust yourself, you aren't strong enough, even with friends and a team. God will take care of you, because He loves you no matter what, and shouldn't you do the same with Him? Before you go, I urge you to read Habakkuk 3:17-19, it's pretty cool.